The MHRA papers - an interlude
Abusers will eventually face criminal scrutiny. Will secret squirrels too?
SUMMARY: Those who do not support the main Covid narrative are targets for criminals. This is the climate that was and still is prevalent. This is partly the context for reading and interpreting the EWG deliberations and secrecy.
Before continuing our review of the minutes of the meetings of the MHRA’s Commission On Human Medicines (CHM) COVID-19 Vaccines Benefit Risk Expert Working Group, we need to remind you of the history of abuse that some of us had to put up with during the Covid saga.
We do not do this to appear victims, there were many of those but not the two old geezers. But there is one particularly vile form of abuse that is so base, to be considered criminal. That was suffered by Dr Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist from the University of Guelph in Canada and his family. We have covered the story in part in our Comirnaty series:
Dr Bridle’s crime was to warn substackers that the technology at the basis of Comirnaty was largely untested, as the Japanese regulator PMDA warned. Dr Bridle went on to state two other important points: the lipid nanoparticles once injected in rats went everywhere, especially liking rats’ ovaries (true), AND the lipid nanoparticles evaded immunity delivering their mmRNA, everywhere undisturbed (also true as lipids are not usually recognised as antigens). So that we are clear this is the description of Dr Bridle’s activity:
“The Bridle lab is harnessing their expertise in making potent cancer vaccines and combining this with their interest in anti-viral immunity to develop vaccines to protect against infectious diseases such as those caused by highly pathogenic coronaviruses.”
The guy is an expert in this field - uhhh dangerous guy!
Dr Bridle wrote his analysis and gave some radio interviews around 2021-2.
The reaction was swift, violent and, at least in one case, criminal. Dr Bridle was prevented from working and teaching and a group of very nice people thought it a good idea to steal his identity and impersonate him on a fake website putting out nonsense in his name.
We kept an eye on the story as the abusers turned out to be some of the same who abused us calling us “Dr Mengele” for suggesting that challenge studies with SARS-CoV-2 should be carried out. Remember this, accusing us of wanting to cage and infect humans?
The social media harassers were so ignorant of virology that two months after the tweet was posted the first SARS-CoV-2 challenge study duly appeared, giving us important insights into infectivity (as most challenge studies do).
Back to Dr Bridle. He did not take the abuse lying down and made a legal challenge in the Toronto Superior Court of Justice. The facts are presented here and here and here. You can hear the story from his own lips here.
Dr David Fisman the University of Toronto professor, the guy who called us “Dr Mengele” is cited as a promoter of “hate science”.
So that’s it? Nope. At the end of 2023 Peel Police Department investigated the case and concluded that:
And the report names a few of the persons named in Dr Bridle challenge. And then:
So these “colleagues” of Dr Bridle are now under criminal investigation for identity fraud. We know of a few people whose association with the false Dr Bridles is typified by brutal personal attacks, character assassinations and lobbying.
At present it looks as if Dr Bridle has dropped the lawsuit against his university, perhaps settling out of court.
This story is important as it shows the climate that those trying to carry out fair research and express their opinions on their own work have been subjected to for the construction of the prevailing narrative. This, being based on smoke and censorship, will not survive the test of time.
TTE will continue to assess the relationship between all the actors in the scene but please do not wait for the BBC or the New York Times to cover this story.
It is in this context that the deliberations of the EWG should be read and interpreted in the following posts.
This post was written by two old geezers who impersonate themselves.
Dear Vicki, we are not happy to do stuff like this, believe us. However we must avoid anything like this happening again. I do not know if Dr Bridle settled with Guelph, but it looks like it as his bio on their website had disappeared but now has been given the sunshine treatment. I sincerely hope he has taken them to the cleaners.
Best, Tom.
Absolutely shocking to read what Dr Bridle had to contend with, and it makes me more grateful that the two secret squirrels are willing to risk their careers and reputations when they could face a similar fate.
I am,however, reassured that Dame Jenny Harries of UKHSA will do her utmost to uphold 'research integrity and transparency' and thus would steam in to counteract any devious character assassinations and misrepresentation of data by MHRA as
a) that's what it says on the website
b) surely UKHSA trumps MHRA in terms of civil service powers? If not,why not??