Hi Paul, yes I can. Lord Agnew because he had the guts to resign from his post of Minister for Everything as he put it in protest at the fleecing of the public purse during the Covid business support measures. Take a look: Covid-19 Fraud Losses in the UK: The Long read.


His Lordship is not only competent but honest and ready to speak out. Also several MPs past and present have put PQs in and held debates - did not go far, but the intention is there.

So not everyone is a Hancock. But yes, they seem few.

With best wishes from an old geezer.

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Thanks, Tom. I missed Lord Agnew's resignation at the time, mea culpa.

I remember when there were a generation of politicians who had wartime experience - *real* war. Even those whose politics weren't to ones personal taste could still create a certain feeling that they knew how to perform under fire (*real* fire), e.g. Denis Healey, who was a 'beach master' at Anzio.

Now they move from school to university to insider roles in some political or quasi-political organisation to Parliament. No experience, their only skill lies in being able to get elected, stay elected and then promoted.

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I wish I were erudite….i just feel very emotional about the chicanery, obfuscation and damage being inflicted ad nauseum on a trusting populace.

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Hi Bilbo, I think I know what you mean. However there is another phenomenon going on: disappearance. Most of those responsible for the catastrophic decisions made in 2020-2023 are disappearing from the public scene. But it’s not the work of a SPECTRE hit squad.

I can hazard a guess as to why that is, but guesses are not evidence, so I’ll shut up.

An old geezer.

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It's the newest thing, retirement with a hold harmless certificate.

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A SPECTRE hit squad Tom…..now there’s a comforting, albeit unlikely modus operandi…..Will anyone be left holding the baby so to speak…..will there be some sad sack thrown to the bird flu stricken wolves….like the lone individual who ‘broke’ Barings Bank……..insert huge sigh of cynicism here.

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Nick Leeson was the public face of the collapse. Sure, he made the trades that sent the bank belly-up; but his boss, and his boss and so forth, all the way up to the executive office were culpable. As were the accountants who failed to do jack about it.

Disqualified from holding a broker's licence in the UK, Leeson was making loadsa money - apparently, and for a while - so he was allowed to keep on going. He was allowed to manage the trading desk AND the back-office. No independent risk function checked his trades or positions.

Apathy, greed, ignorance and incompetence ruled the roost. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?

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Thank indeed you for the unexpected response to my comment. It spells out that truth is a pursuit. Every new observation or change of conception can alter a facet of it.

FWIW I have been ruminating that RNA might be a kind of biological 'quantum froth' where every kind of RNA constantly pops in and out of existence. This would imply, I think, that there is no such thing as a novel virus - only an unnamed one; no such thing as endemicity; no such thing as a pandemic. The one glimmer of substantiation is pictures of Northern Blot analysis of RNA replication. (There is an example of what I mean in Fig.3A here doi://doi.og/10.1016/j.virol.2017.11.25 Such photos of electrophoresis are surprisingly difficult to find by search engine. And there are none of DNA replication.) Replication requires a whole genome to be made repeatedly and, to me, Fig.3A just looks like it does not happen faithfully enough to pandemic.

Lastly, the poor fidelity of all RNA replication assures that all gain-of-function is destroyed very quickly. It is a total waste of time unless you are looking for a short-lived poison.

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Who'd have thought it. Quantum effects might actually be utilised and be an essential part of the immune system.

Don't give them any ideas though, they've already tried to harness and manipulate (some may say ruined) the body's natural defences by way of mmRNA jabs.

Their next step may be to harness and manipulate the quantum effects which I would imagine the body uses constantly.

I suppose they know what they'r doing though.....

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Already happening with the cancer jabs that look to more or less immortalize certain T-cells.

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Would be really grateful to the two old geezers if they would offer a piece addressing the "no virus" doctrine (covid and more generally), which does it's true does come in several shades. OK, so Milan and New York were odd to say the least, but in general the doctrine makes to sense to me. Please, please, your expertise. Many thanks.

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Hi Quentin, thank you for your comment. Can you elaborate a bit please? what does “no virus” mean? Is there a statement you can refer us to relating this “doctrine”?

Many thanks in advance from an old geezer.

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Thanks for coming back to this particular old geezer (though a less qualified one than you!). Examples of the people behind this movement are Sasha Latipova and Mike Yeadon, both on Substack. Here’s a piece from Mike Yeadon ……

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'Buffoons' indeed. But have we ever not been 'led', i.e. dictated to, by such lickspittle glove puppets?

The odd genuine leader dots the pages of history, but most of those who end up with their clammy hands on the levers of power are merely executing the commands of others, and are themselves deeply unimpressive.

As a thought experiment for the above, can anyone mention any member of the Sunak (or Rasheed Sanook, as old Sleepy Joe liked to call him) or Starmer cabinets who you'd pay - and trust - to run your bath without flooding the whole house?

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One of the most frustrating aspects is the total lack of interest most people seem to have, even those who have been damaged (either through losses to their business or being prevented from seeing dying relatives, or having proper funerals). While most people I know glibly accepted lockdowns as "for our own good", learned a language or did online exercise classes, I was so shocked and appalled (and initially mystified) as to why the previous pandemic plans were dispensed with that I just researched everything I could to try to understand. I can remember naively thinking when they downgraded the thing from an HCID on March 18 2020 - "oh that's good, they won't lock us down". In my first year I had spent over a thousand hours reading papers and articles. When the jabs were being trialled and then rolled out I upped my game even more.

In the early days, people would sometimes listen to my monologues and I talked to a lot of people. Whilst quite a few, although still a minority, agreed with me, out of those who didn't, only two have come back to me and said that I was right all along. Now, as I'm sure everyone who read TTE knows, we are not allowed to speak about such things and are quickly stopped if we try. Personally, I don't think I will ever forget what has been done and I don't think it's wise to forget. I know it's a bit of a cliche now, but true nonetheless, you can't comply your way out of tyranny.

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"We live in, a world of buffoons: arrogant, ignorant, authoritarian and ultimately dodgers of responsibilities. " indeed; indeed.

Arrogance and ignorance seem necessary qualities for folks to be listened to these days.

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Good day. The statement "one of our readers threw us back 150 years or more suggesting a miasmatic viral cloud hanging over our heads" may be alluding to a comment I made. https://open.substack.com/pub/trusttheevidence/p/clearing-the-air-around-influenza-b96?r=jjay2&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=98164527

I would like to point out and clarify that I was referring to the hypothesis of Dr Clare Craig, not validating or agreeing with the hypothesis.

I see no evidence the things called viruses transmit in the way the WHO would have us believe.

Thanks again for your work.

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Evidently neuroplasticity is not an issue with the Geezers as anyone that can refer to twenty seven names of scientific note and then end up with Omar Bradley......I'll have whatever you're drinking.

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Thank you Dan for your comment. General Bradley is one of the underestimated commanders of WWII perhaps because he did not look very “military” and wore specs.

As usual appearances betrayed a very sharp mind.

This is what neuroplasticity is according to NIH: ”Neuroplasticity“ is the fancy medical term used to describe your brain's ability to learn and adapt. Think of it as an internal rewiring process that allows your mind to grow and meet new and increased demands”

So, happy rewiring.

Best wishes from an old geezer.

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