Congrats to the one old geezer of two who survived the clot shot!

As for BJ ... one of the well-educated gentlemen so dazzled by their own intellectual brilliance, eloquence and wit that they convince themselves and therefore others that their way is the only one. This is always accompanied by a deluge of verbose, inconsequential arguments. Somehow people like that can produce more speech on a single breath than normal people. when they stop to take breath one has been so clobbered mentally and aurally that one just agrees to make them stop ... and flees if one can.

Yes, I've known someone like BJ - he became a solicitor, not a PM - but the modus operandi was exactly the same.

Even more than the lockdowns, even more than the unspeakable vaccine tyranny I will never forget nor forgive the constant climate of fear these people - BJ, SAGE, the MSM - have subjected this country to. It's disappointing that sadly so many are still in the thrall of fear, now queuing for the fifth and sixth shots and never mind that they've been ill and are ill with all the nice coughs and sniffles we others just shake off now.

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Tony Blackburn said on R2 this morning he is having his 13th Covid vax next week. Great PR. Think how ill he may have been without these life saving intervention…..

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One of these days he'll get the wrong batch!

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Hubs has begged his dad to stop having them. He's a shadow of the man he was.

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So sorry…similar scenario here all being attributed to catching Covid….

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Pre covid the average age of death was apparently 82.

The average age of death from/with covid was 83.

So, "catch covid and live longer".

The only sensible thing I've ever heard Johnson say.

Just as an aside, it would be really interesting to be privy to his hospital and GP notes (always assuming they'd be accurate). Did he actually ever suffer from covid, whatever that may be, or was it just a splendid wheeze to accrue popularity....

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Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, of all people, being struck down with the ‘deadly Covid’ in April 2020.

Interesting to revisit this April 2020 Guardian article for a close read: Boris Johnson and coronavirus: the inside story of his illness: Boris Johnson and coronavirus: the inside story of his illness: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/17/boris-johnson-and-coronavirus-inside-story-illness

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You old cynic John……Shirley not…

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"was it just a splendid wheeze to accrue popularity...."

did he not walk into the ICU at "Tommy's"? ....... first case in the history of the world to walk into an ICU: another staged event ....... all run out of Hollywood .....

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Noooooo…it can’t be true - one of you took the AZ. You’re pulling our legs surely. After all you’ve taught us about trusting the evidence. There was plenty about even in 2020. Here’s Dr Kendrick’s take


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thanks for that; very organised to have the Kendrick reference

fascinating in that article

"“These [vaccine] protocols do not emphasize the most important ramifications of COVID-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death.”

[The COVID-19 vaccine trials are only looking to see if these vaccines reduce symptoms that may be as mild as cough and headache. They are NOT requiring that the vaccines reduce the risk of infection, hospitalization or death.]"

" .. do not emphasize the most important ramifications of COVID-19 .. hospitalization, and death"

"only looking to see if these vaccines reduce symptoms that may be as mild as cough and headache."

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I do hope that I am alone in being so mean as to wish that BoJo had been intubated, jabbed with Remdesivir and given Morphine, like so many of the hoi-polloi he strutted over.

It is always nice to dream that some day, someone, somewhere, will be held to account for their incompetence (or more frequently, for their venal malevolence.)

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And what about Brexit?

With the UK out of the EU did this enable fast-tracking of the vaccines?

The UK was the first country to license a vaccine against Covid - would the process have been so fast if the UK was still in the EU?

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That's what Johnson is claiming in his GBNEWS interview with Camilla Tominey which airs tomorrow.

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Thanks for the tip Toffeepud, will look out for it.

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"he is having his 13th Covid vax next week."

imagine if your drains are blocked, and the plumber returned 13 times to "fix the problem"

imagine your surgeon has to open your hernia 13 times to improve the repair;

imagine the brakes on your car need repairs 13 times in a matter of months; you feel relieved that your garage is so caring ......

imagine your surgeon has to open your knee joint replacement 13 times to "improve and strengthen it"

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Oxford stringency index was showing Italy being worse than China! Western politicians like to point to China as the villain in Covid management (and certainly they were) but the West copied them faithfully and possibly applying even tighter measures. Removing facts is not easy job.

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Hey Google, show me a puppet that is prepared to inflict tyranny and crimes against humanity on the citizens they goven!

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The big problem with people like Bojo, is they are over educated. They have zero common sense, which is really what you need in a crisis, manufactured or otherwise.

To the old geezer who got the AZ - just be very, very grateful you didn't get Pfizer or Moderna. You got the best of a bad bunch, the other 2 have been linked to cancer, heart failure, dementia, you name it. We've lost count of the friends, colleagues and relatives all jabbed and boosted with Pfizer or Moderna, who now have cancer, heart problems or suddenly just dropped dead. It's heartbreaking. I don't know of anyone who just stuck with AZ who is still struggling (my hubs is a one shotter). No judgement here, you made the decision you felt was right for you at the time.

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It appears that most of the political

class is not able to think and power hungry.

Blindly following the current narrative, not questioning, no common sense and pragmatic and long term strategic approach to today’s and tomorrow’s issues.

Not sure how to solve this?

An ability test? At least 10 years working in a non-political job? Better remuneration, so we get a higher calibre of people applying for the job?

At the beginning of this Covid saga I posted the following quote:

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” -Blaise Pascal mid 1600s

And it remains true.

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"One of the geezers had two Astra Zeneca inoculations." lordy, lordy

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No need to do any studies. Any virus, if indeed a novel one actually existed, cannot be stopped by locking all people down. It is not physically, medically possible.

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