Gah. It's not just happening in Manx hospitals - I've hear of the Worcester Trust having instituted this as well and am sue other local NHS trust will have done so.

I wish someone would shout the lovely quote, wonderfully transmitted by David Niven, ascribed to a Hollywood director: " Don't just do something - stand there!"

Oh that all those 'Health service' directors would just stand there and not do 'something' ...

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Yorkshire Live breathlessly reported the convid symptoms this morning as the "flirt" variant is on the rise. I declined to read the nonsense, I mean, it's been 4 years and I've run out of patience with these hypochondriac babies. My multi jabbed fil currently has yet another chest infection. At the height of summer. He still won't join the dots.

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Don't worry. Here in Victoria, Australia the 'authorities' are on top of the virus problem. When I went to visit my wife, who was a patient in the local hospital emergency department, I was told to wear a mask "because there's Covid in there". It sounded pretty ominous. But actually I think there is probably even more Covid in my church on a Sunday morning. Most attendees are "fully vaccinated" agasinst Covid and are suffering repeated bouts of infection which proves to be Covid on testing. Nobody bothers to wear a mask when attending the church, probably because they've finally realised it makes no difference, but possibly because they still think the 'vaccine' is 'protecting' them.

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Yes. I visited my local NHS Teaching hospital accompanying my wife who needed a scan in early 2023, when all plebs were still expected to mask up. I politely declined, pointing out that I was "exempt". "You must be aware that there is Covid in here!" I was told. "Yes", I responded. "I would expect that there could well be Covid cases in a hospital. But you also have ladies giving birth in here. Will I need to wear a chastity belt, or will a pregnancy test on departure be sufficient?" I'm not sure if this riposte was understood. It certainly wasn't found to be amusing.

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Indeed, because although outwardly you may have given the impression of being a man, according to the NHS that is not a safeguard against pregnancy....my 81 yr old father in law was recently asked at a routine appointment if "there is any chance you could be pregnant". a) he's 81, the unwanted pregnancy ship sailed some decades ago b) HES A BLOKE.

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Of course the virus can think... New Zealand's Omniscient Professor of Everything -To-Do-With-Covid said so... what's more, she described its behaviour and gave it a name...

"But just as has happened in many other countries, somehow the sneaky bastard has got in."


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Of course it can think - it even can do different things depending on the time of day, e.g. infecting people after 8pm ...

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And those not eating scotch eggs with their pints.....

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Yep - or those on the way from table to toilet and back ...

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Ah, but only those of us not wearing the rancid face cloths, it is intelligent enough to differentiate between a naked human face and a partially covered one. So clever, this virus. Cleverer than the half wits in charge of public health at any rate.....

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what an absurd creature; friends entertained us with stories of her; a fact-free zone at all times it seems; if you believe in viruses, you explain the absence in nz by the fact it arrived Nov 19 as summer started; many chinese tourists seemingly; (too cold to go to Europe, so like godwits, they flew south to the sun); friends there told us many anecdotes of bad chest infections from Nov 19 onwards; right through a really hot summer; short-lived but very marked chest infections; some hospitalised; but in the NI, a remarkable summer of endless clear blue skies; no rain for six months; how could any self-respecting virus replicate and spread in such conditions? The virus must have sulked through endless good weather; thwarted; frustrated; wouldn't you feel like that, as a self respecting virus? As winter arrived, (July), and as Vit D levels fell, so "viruses" emerged; and by pushing the cycles to dizzy heights, they could prove anything existed; (and they enthusiastically did .)

the idea that "things" were "kept out" was wonderful specious nonsense, that the media so lovingly promulgated; 25-30 widebody jets were seemingly arriving into nz each day from Nov 19; from China; so if you think it came from there, that is 10,000 visitors a day; (300,000 a month); into a population of 5 million; if you think it came from the other side of the Pacific, there were many arrivals too from there; if you think it was a manufactured replication-incompetent thing, then it was just sprayed from planes; easy; who knows??!!

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Perhaps TTE could create an award for the most stupid healthcare official in the British Isles. Mind you it would be hard to decide on a winner the are so many of them. It would definitely be a photo finish.

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much of our wonderful western world is full of wishful thinking; delusional thinking and deluded thinking; or dysthinking to summarise; thanks for keeping reminding us of the madnesses that were dished out; blowing off doors; closing non-existent borders etc; please keep reminding all of the many madnesses that "stood to reason" ....

and the media happily continues to trot out the nonsense that folks like Paul Moore come out with; all to keep folks scared and cowering; is it still working?

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Southport & Formby District General Hospital still demands face nappies, though most staff wear them under their chin, so they must have ones with bait that attracts virons.

Then again, that’s the least of their worries. My dad was in A&E on a bed in a corridor for 36hr, with at least 9 other beds. They’ve even put laminated numbers on the walls as if they’re just accepted as a legitimate place for patients. When an ambulance rushes someone to A&E, everyone has to scatter up the corridor to get out of the way while they push the emergency patient through, on one occasion pulling an IV line out of a patient’s hand.

Elderly women have to use a commode in the middle of a busy corridor with a screen around them that has gaps nearly as wide as the loose fabric.

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Who's pulling Paul's strings or is it the establishment bravely carrying on with their song sheet until they finally succeed?

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This 'covid virus' is a protein aermarked with graphene oxide to be sensitive to Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) which at night gets emitted by your cell phone; by which someone steers the doings of a virus / dials an epidemic. That explains what the ilks of Health officials are stating or revealing about our lethal enemy. Note that modern warfare is done by satellite or EMF.

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