Is this series available to medical,pharmacy and dental students, or part of the induction process for health ministers and those working for the UKHSA?
If not, when it's published in a ' Flu/colds transmission for Dummies' type book shall we all chip in to buy some for the UKHSA, Streeting, Whitty bods????
You lot make me feel inadequate, dear Adam. I do not know the answer. COVID deaths were defined in 14 different ways in 2020 and there is no definition that we can find in the registration trials.
My clinical experience tells me viral pneumonia is rare, superimposed bacterial much more common, but what role exactly if any did SARS-CoV-2 play in each and everyone?
Dunno and unpicking the data maybe impossible given the censorship, gamesmanship, cash value, media circus etc etc.
In 2020, a married couple in their 70s, just the street from me, stayed in their own home from the first lockdown in March through until October. Surely it was safe to venture out now? The husband's old workmates organised a get-together in celebration and hired a room in a pub. Like themselves they were mostly elderly but there were no strangers. They knew everyone. Within a few days of the event a majority of those present were ill with flu-like symptoms, some very seriously. The gentleman himself was hospitalised for 2 years, though his wife was unaffected. Fortunately he survived the treatment, though it was still many months before he was really recovered.
This incident had persuaded me that some sort of 'covid poisoning' had taken place. I thought there was no other explanation. After reading this post I took a membership in where I borrowed the "The Common Cold" to read on line. It has given me another plausible explanation of what happened. As elderly as myself, their immune systems would be in decline. With perhaps, little vitamin D, and such a long isolation they were all highly susceptible. I've a feeling someone may have suggested this to me but I did not believe it at the time. Fleshed out by the book, especially p.140 is looks a lot more reasonable.
While reading about the 2009 swine flu scare I was puzzled by the rapid sequence of events once the CDC got the ball rolling:
April 19: CDC reports that two children have confirmed cases of swine influenza (onset of symptoms March 30; both fully recovered by the time of the report)
April 23: five additional cases reported by the CDC, all fully recovered (CDC notes that since surveillance is now enhanced, more cases will almost certainly come to light)
April 24: CDC announces that the U.S. cases have been linked to a major outbreak in Mexico, with cases stretching back a month or more - mid-March or earlier; WHO makes its first announcement on the outbreak, noting that Mexico has seen over 800 cases and around 60 deaths
April 25: WHO declares the swine flu outbreak a "public health emergency of international concern"; New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reports that 100 students in a school in Queens missed school due to influenza-like symptoms
April 26: WHO announces that 19 of Mexico's 32 states have been affected; New York Times reports on Mexico's government adopting emergency powers to deal with the outbreak, including nationwide school closures as of the 27th ('non-essential' business ordered to close on the 30th); HHS declares the swine flu outbreak a "public health emergency"
April 27: WHO reports six new cases from Canada and one from Spain; raises its Pandemic Alert level from Phase 3 to Phase 4
April 28: WHO reports confirmed cases in New Zealand, the UK and Israel
April 29: Who reports cases in Germany and Austria; declares that Phase 5 has started (which indicates that a pandemic is 'imminent'); this declaration was intended to spur action (the usual mix of enhanced surveillance, planning, and vaccine development), and it was successful in doing so; by this date there were 91 confirmed cases in the whole of the U.S. and one death linked to swine flu
By the end of the first week of May, cases were being detected everywhere in the world except Africa and Antarctica.
This sequence of events seems puzzling at first. We go from a report of a couple of cases on April 19 to most of the world reporting cases in a little over two weeks. The impression given is that this thing spread like crazy. However, if we pay attention to the detail that cases in Mexico probably went back months, into February, it is easier to imagine a gradual global spread of what turned out to be a rather mild form of human influenza. Who knows how long it might have been circulating sub-clinically in human populations? It was the media attention in the second half of April that suddenly produced cases everywhere. A simple recipe for a pandemic: just ramp up testing.
I'm rather late to the party, but 'Setting the Stage' is great work! Over the past 5 years I've often thought that the public perception of 'scientific' Public Health 'realities' (at least those related to the war on infectious disease, and who knows what else?) is a lot like seeing the flickering shadows in Plato's Cave. Nothing is what it seems.
Paywalled.... Could you send a link to the original source? Or just post the figures? I'm sympathetic to arguments against viral spread, but am left wondering how highly sophisticated genomic research could be all just an illusion. What do we make of studies like this?
Hi James. Yes, I'm familiar with Yeadon's views on this. His comments, however, fall far short of a full refutation. I agree that he's asking important questions, but it isn't enough to say that PCR results are hocus pocus and that hardly anyone understands how the process works. Even after giving full weight to the evidence that testing procedures create false images of reality (Jessica and others have made a very strong case for this), I still wonder what, exactly, is showing up in those tests. Is it really just random noise? I'd like someone with more insider experience to weigh in.
Would it be more accurate to say that 'none of this makes a case for any impact on all-cause mortality by any viral agent'? Elsewhere you leave open the possibility that something real is being detected and that it is the attribution of causality that is the problem.
“I cannot help but express the view that if public health authorities canny be a help to the general practitioner, they should at least refrain from being a hindrance.” 👊
The 1973 Antarctic expedition 17 week outbreak has always fascinated me and was a good example of how futile some of the quarantining was during Covid.
That's an interesting point because I read somewhere that our DNA contains a surprising proportion of retrovirus DNA, which code for proteins which may help fight infection.
indeed Jessica; we are "exposed" to so many differing ideas; (as we are "exposed" to "viruses" perhaps?!) I am aware of folks who say they have never been shown to exist; these folks do videos where they carefully read the original papers that purported to "prove" the first coronavirus was "isolated": (or I saw one of "nile river virus"? after fauci was said to have been in hospital with this: ) when I watch these seemingly very careful dissections; I just have to shake my head; they throw extreme doubt in my mind that I can rely on those original papers; some question virology; and say that virology is to be bacteriology; as astrology is to astronomy;
where do we all stand? So many seem to be left feeling that what happened in 2020 was so centrally driven; almost directed; controlled even; it all seems bewildering; I read various views; to try to keep my mind open to possibilities; best wishes
For me, the questions are "What are the agents/things called viruses? Has the a causal or singularly causal relationship between those things and illness been demonstrated? Has 'spread' or transmission been demonstrated?"
thanks; reading "The transmission of epidemic flu" by Dr Hope-Simpson (Dr H-S) I was particularly struck by what seemed his emphasis on almost instant outbreak in communities; that seemed to me to be emphasised; (you pointed out how "influenza" came from the Italian word, meaning planets? and that too implied instancy); Dr H-S I understood did lots of work looking at death records from eg the 1700s; again showing seeming simultaneous deaths across counties; and I think he found it hard to believe A spread it to B; who incubates and finally spread it to C etc
He had some phrase ("seasonal factor?") and implied it was either missing or was responsible; more recently I had seen some suggest Vit D levels in the british isles could well play a huge part; one wonders if students on scottish islands in the long, long days of summer there; with little to do; walked around their island (a lot?); in shorts? on good days; crofters are more likely to sit indoors? we are all left grappling (with straws?) Friends told me of summers as teenagers in the western isles; they were blessed with glorious weather.
HS really seemed to suggest that "flu" went dormant in people; and was reactivated in late winter or early spring; that perhaps it was "caught" in the summer before; was asymptomatic; went dormant and (like crocuses?) emerged in spring; folks point to cold sores; if they are "viral", they seem to emerge in spring (or autumn) when the low angle of sun comes in on the lips; being dormant; waiting for a "signal"
I remember now reading back in 2020: (so much reading done then); of agents that bacteria release; to test immune systems; rather like Noah releasing the dove; if these agents came back to the releasing bacteria, then it is a trigger for the bacteria to become more active; I read of folks demonstrating that bacteriophages (that are said to be viral like and attack viruses); that these things did the same thing; it was all speculation around concepts of "swarming"; that things became activated in a synchronous way; (can I cite Farr's Law here?)
I think part of the efficacy of the macrolide antibiotics is said to be that they break this releasing of the particles whose name now escapes me: was much talked of in 2020; bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal and anti-swarm
Rhinovirus and Coronavirus are RNA viruses. In other words, they inscribe themselves in our DNA. That is why they are called endogenous viruses.
Hence, they can reactivate, appear in isolated groups like crew on ships etc.
Frank Ryan has written a wonderful book “Virolution”. It’s about viruses supporting our evolution. For example, pregnancy is coded by an endogenous viral sequence in our DNA.
Is this series available to medical,pharmacy and dental students, or part of the induction process for health ministers and those working for the UKHSA?
If not, when it's published in a ' Flu/colds transmission for Dummies' type book shall we all chip in to buy some for the UKHSA, Streeting, Whitty bods????
You lot make me feel inadequate, dear Adam. I do not know the answer. COVID deaths were defined in 14 different ways in 2020 and there is no definition that we can find in the registration trials.
My clinical experience tells me viral pneumonia is rare, superimposed bacterial much more common, but what role exactly if any did SARS-CoV-2 play in each and everyone?
Dunno and unpicking the data maybe impossible given the censorship, gamesmanship, cash value, media circus etc etc.
Best, Tom.
Must thank you old geezers again for this post.
In 2020, a married couple in their 70s, just the street from me, stayed in their own home from the first lockdown in March through until October. Surely it was safe to venture out now? The husband's old workmates organised a get-together in celebration and hired a room in a pub. Like themselves they were mostly elderly but there were no strangers. They knew everyone. Within a few days of the event a majority of those present were ill with flu-like symptoms, some very seriously. The gentleman himself was hospitalised for 2 years, though his wife was unaffected. Fortunately he survived the treatment, though it was still many months before he was really recovered.
This incident had persuaded me that some sort of 'covid poisoning' had taken place. I thought there was no other explanation. After reading this post I took a membership in where I borrowed the "The Common Cold" to read on line. It has given me another plausible explanation of what happened. As elderly as myself, their immune systems would be in decline. With perhaps, little vitamin D, and such a long isolation they were all highly susceptible. I've a feeling someone may have suggested this to me but I did not believe it at the time. Fleshed out by the book, especially p.140 is looks a lot more reasonable.
While reading about the 2009 swine flu scare I was puzzled by the rapid sequence of events once the CDC got the ball rolling:
April 19: CDC reports that two children have confirmed cases of swine influenza (onset of symptoms March 30; both fully recovered by the time of the report)
April 23: five additional cases reported by the CDC, all fully recovered (CDC notes that since surveillance is now enhanced, more cases will almost certainly come to light)
April 24: CDC announces that the U.S. cases have been linked to a major outbreak in Mexico, with cases stretching back a month or more - mid-March or earlier; WHO makes its first announcement on the outbreak, noting that Mexico has seen over 800 cases and around 60 deaths
April 25: WHO declares the swine flu outbreak a "public health emergency of international concern"; New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reports that 100 students in a school in Queens missed school due to influenza-like symptoms
April 26: WHO announces that 19 of Mexico's 32 states have been affected; New York Times reports on Mexico's government adopting emergency powers to deal with the outbreak, including nationwide school closures as of the 27th ('non-essential' business ordered to close on the 30th); HHS declares the swine flu outbreak a "public health emergency"
April 27: WHO reports six new cases from Canada and one from Spain; raises its Pandemic Alert level from Phase 3 to Phase 4
April 28: WHO reports confirmed cases in New Zealand, the UK and Israel
April 29: Who reports cases in Germany and Austria; declares that Phase 5 has started (which indicates that a pandemic is 'imminent'); this declaration was intended to spur action (the usual mix of enhanced surveillance, planning, and vaccine development), and it was successful in doing so; by this date there were 91 confirmed cases in the whole of the U.S. and one death linked to swine flu
By the end of the first week of May, cases were being detected everywhere in the world except Africa and Antarctica.
This sequence of events seems puzzling at first. We go from a report of a couple of cases on April 19 to most of the world reporting cases in a little over two weeks. The impression given is that this thing spread like crazy. However, if we pay attention to the detail that cases in Mexico probably went back months, into February, it is easier to imagine a gradual global spread of what turned out to be a rather mild form of human influenza. Who knows how long it might have been circulating sub-clinically in human populations? It was the media attention in the second half of April that suddenly produced cases everywhere. A simple recipe for a pandemic: just ramp up testing.
Correct re: the event For US-related data, see here: Figures 6 thru 9
None of this makes a case for the spread of a viral agent
I'm rather late to the party, but 'Setting the Stage' is great work! Over the past 5 years I've often thought that the public perception of 'scientific' Public Health 'realities' (at least those related to the war on infectious disease, and who knows what else?) is a lot like seeing the flickering shadows in Plato's Cave. Nothing is what it seems.
Paywalled.... Could you send a link to the original source? Or just post the figures? I'm sympathetic to arguments against viral spread, but am left wondering how highly sophisticated genomic research could be all just an illusion. What do we make of studies like this?
indeed Adam; we are all left wondering; in this post Mike Yeadon is very forthright
he comes straight out and says what he is thinking
Hi James. Yes, I'm familiar with Yeadon's views on this. His comments, however, fall far short of a full refutation. I agree that he's asking important questions, but it isn't enough to say that PCR results are hocus pocus and that hardly anyone understands how the process works. Even after giving full weight to the evidence that testing procedures create false images of reality (Jessica and others have made a very strong case for this), I still wonder what, exactly, is showing up in those tests. Is it really just random noise? I'd like someone with more insider experience to weigh in.
Would it be more accurate to say that 'none of this makes a case for any impact on all-cause mortality by any viral agent'? Elsewhere you leave open the possibility that something real is being detected and that it is the attribution of causality that is the problem.
Cause of death determinations are fungible and subject to all manner of biases.
Not sure what you mean by "none of this makes a case for..."
Ah, the other link to your post was not paywalled. Reading now...
“I cannot help but express the view that if public health authorities canny be a help to the general practitioner, they should at least refrain from being a hindrance.” 👊
The 1973 Antarctic expedition 17 week outbreak has always fascinated me and was a good example of how futile some of the quarantining was during Covid.
Sincere question: Do we really know what it is "a good example of" with respect to the things called viruses?
Is the take-away/implication that viruses are in the air everywhere, or it is that "they" are something already in/a part of us?
That's an interesting point because I read somewhere that our DNA contains a surprising proportion of retrovirus DNA, which code for proteins which may help fight infection.
This biology is a bit above my knowledge grade, but people have made this point to me before so I should make sure I understand it
"a good example of wrt to the things called viruses"
wasn't sure what this meant Jessica
indeed Jessica; we are "exposed" to so many differing ideas; (as we are "exposed" to "viruses" perhaps?!) I am aware of folks who say they have never been shown to exist; these folks do videos where they carefully read the original papers that purported to "prove" the first coronavirus was "isolated": (or I saw one of "nile river virus"? after fauci was said to have been in hospital with this: ) when I watch these seemingly very careful dissections; I just have to shake my head; they throw extreme doubt in my mind that I can rely on those original papers; some question virology; and say that virology is to be bacteriology; as astrology is to astronomy;
where do we all stand? So many seem to be left feeling that what happened in 2020 was so centrally driven; almost directed; controlled even; it all seems bewildering; I read various views; to try to keep my mind open to possibilities; best wishes
My positions can be found here: and here
For me, the questions are "What are the agents/things called viruses? Has the a causal or singularly causal relationship between those things and illness been demonstrated? Has 'spread' or transmission been demonstrated?"
Fascinating. Thank you!
I couldn't get the Princess Elizabeth Antarctica Station timeline link to work. I think this one works:
thanks; reading "The transmission of epidemic flu" by Dr Hope-Simpson (Dr H-S) I was particularly struck by what seemed his emphasis on almost instant outbreak in communities; that seemed to me to be emphasised; (you pointed out how "influenza" came from the Italian word, meaning planets? and that too implied instancy); Dr H-S I understood did lots of work looking at death records from eg the 1700s; again showing seeming simultaneous deaths across counties; and I think he found it hard to believe A spread it to B; who incubates and finally spread it to C etc
He had some phrase ("seasonal factor?") and implied it was either missing or was responsible; more recently I had seen some suggest Vit D levels in the british isles could well play a huge part; one wonders if students on scottish islands in the long, long days of summer there; with little to do; walked around their island (a lot?); in shorts? on good days; crofters are more likely to sit indoors? we are all left grappling (with straws?) Friends told me of summers as teenagers in the western isles; they were blessed with glorious weather.
You are getting closer. :)
Bit of a false binary still, but if "activated" means activated WITHIN us, versus "in the air/atmosphere around us" then I am with you
HS really seemed to suggest that "flu" went dormant in people; and was reactivated in late winter or early spring; that perhaps it was "caught" in the summer before; was asymptomatic; went dormant and (like crocuses?) emerged in spring; folks point to cold sores; if they are "viral", they seem to emerge in spring (or autumn) when the low angle of sun comes in on the lips; being dormant; waiting for a "signal"
I remember now reading back in 2020: (so much reading done then); of agents that bacteria release; to test immune systems; rather like Noah releasing the dove; if these agents came back to the releasing bacteria, then it is a trigger for the bacteria to become more active; I read of folks demonstrating that bacteriophages (that are said to be viral like and attack viruses); that these things did the same thing; it was all speculation around concepts of "swarming"; that things became activated in a synchronous way; (can I cite Farr's Law here?)
I think part of the efficacy of the macrolide antibiotics is said to be that they break this releasing of the particles whose name now escapes me: was much talked of in 2020; bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal and anti-swarm
I think people need to read Hope-Simpson again. :)
Are you familiar with John Dee? He is doing a nice series I commend to you. Here's part 1: (He's up to Part 5 now)
I like Mike Yeadon's way of putting things
"I think people need to read Hope-Simpson again. :)"
I think Ivor Cummins made a pdf available back in 2020 or 2021; Ivor posted a lot of stuff from HS's writings; he was a real enthusiast about HS;
thanks; Yes; subscribed to John Dee; I find it hard going; must go back and read again
Mike Yeadon is great; he just puts it out there; challenges us; will comment more later; good to be able to chat to you
Yep, I remember.
My memory is long and deep on all of this.
error; "attack viruses" should read "attack bacteria"
Rhinovirus and Coronavirus are RNA viruses. In other words, they inscribe themselves in our DNA. That is why they are called endogenous viruses.
Hence, they can reactivate, appear in isolated groups like crew on ships etc.
Frank Ryan has written a wonderful book “Virolution”. It’s about viruses supporting our evolution. For example, pregnancy is coded by an endogenous viral sequence in our DNA.