I would hope that, in the wake of 'that' event five years ago (and the following vaccine roll-out), people have become much more aware of possible side effects cause by such wonder-antivirals.

I confess I was totally unaware of those side effects you mention in regard to Tamiflu. They were certainly not mentioned in the press which was jubilant about its wonderful properties ... and then it seems to have vanished from public discourse.

I wonder if the terrible side effects of another of those wonder drugs played a role in this silence. This drug was Pandremix - and I, for one, cannot recall ever having heard of this until the reports, years later, about the poor people who in consequence became ill with narcolepsy.

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So "Oseltamivir/Tamiflu" isn't a specific treatment for influenza at all but a way of relieving symptoms of ILI.

Why then does the BNF say it "Reduces replication of influenza A and B viruses by inhibiting viral neuraminidase"

Very confusing ...


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The “doc” everyone wished was their “doc”. Looks like Professor Jay Battacharya is our next director of the NIH. Dr.Battacharya was belittled by Frances Collins following the publication of the Great Barrington Declaration. Frances had the audacity to call Professor Battacharya, a “fringe epidemiologist”. It reminds me of the lawyer running the UK covid clown show, I mean enquiry, who insulted Dr. Carl Heneghan when Carl gave testimony at the enquiry. I cannot tell you, how much pleasure it gives me and every other American to see a man with integrity, a moral compass, compassion and high intelligence receive the recognition he deserves. God bless Professor Jay Battacharya. Thank you for caring so deeply for the human race.


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Wonderful recaps!!

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"Three of every 100 people treated with oseltamivir/Tamiflu would self-report they don’t have pneumonia."

I'm sure some statistical device attempted to correct for it, but it remains difficult to rely on self-report with a drug known to induce delusions.

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