I've posted these before. Dr Segalla, chemist, has made 3 videos on LNPs, which, according to Pfizer's own paperwork, state they are for research purposes only, not to be used with humans and animals, or used parenterally (by injection). What more evidence is needed? rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos

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Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I always wish I was adept at understanding these nuggets of information. I knew that Alnylam Pharmaceuticals sued Moderna and I believe pfizer separately for patent infringement of the LNP’s. My understanding was Alnylam wasn’t ready to bring the LNP’s to market because of safety concerns. I’m shot injured and so very angry that the regulators knew nothing about these novel shots but made proclamations about the safety and effectiveness including to pregnant women. In hindsight it’s obvious they couldn’t have known. I was just stupid and bought it. When I read your link I picked out a few things that happened to the rats as I experienced the same. For many months after the shot, I stopped sweating. Being exposed to light was painful and couldn’t abide any loud noise.

What was incredibly astounding, unbelievable actually, was there was no independent, active data collection after the roll out of the shots to look for signals of adverse effects, which would be an obvious safety measure to implement and there’s still no post marketing studies despite higher cancer rates. As an aside, can you tell me what radioactivity means in regards to the shot?

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Hi Vivian, thank you for your comments. Yes it’s a complicated and still evolving story, which is why we decided to re-run the story as updated long reads. We do not claim to have got to the bottom of it, as the regulators should have done.

But then with the MHRA Papers and Comirnaty series I think we have shown how the whole thing was rushed through for political reasons (which have naught to do with health) and hushed up (which has naught to do with democracy).

The radioactivity you refer to is probably the labelling of the molecules injected into the rats. That’s the best way to understand where they go. Of course in humans labelling is very strictly controlled and there would not be any radioactive content in what you were given.

I hope you feel well and enjoy this afternoon’s podcast. There’s some serious content but we tried to lighten it up a bit.

With best wishes, Tom.

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I’m sorry Tom, I’m sure it’s just me but I didn’t know you do podcasts. I saw the two of you once but it wasn’t a podcast. I’m in Canada and would LOVE to see your podcasts, if you could let me know where. Also, I can’t tell you what a breath of fresh air it is to have intelligent people you trust. Trust is sorely lacking these days. BTW, I was born in London.

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Hi - we also post them to Spotify if that helps -


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Great, yes I have Spotify!

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I have picked out some "headlines" from this detailed analysis:

"This secrecy (of the MHRA) on the properties of (Comirnacy) is deeply concerning, especially in the light of the persistence of the spike protein component of the (modified) RNA in the blood for over 700 days.

Perhaps because (lipid nanoparticles) "play a crucial role in protecting modified messenger RNA, and assist in evading immune responses for both the vehicle and the cargo. The Japanese regulator considers Comirnaty as a “powerful drug”"

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"Previous exposure to LNPs was an exclusion criterion for participation in the registration trials. The manufacturers were concerned about repeated exposure, "

but seemingly no followup studies on those having "boosters": some fanatics are up to ten of these we understand; a fascinating group to study;

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"The first study was small and rushed, lacking a proper dose-ranging assessment. Unfortunately, the initial experiment was unsuccessful; the rats were overdosed, resulting in the death of one rat and leaving the other two in very poor health after 30 hours. "

Gosh; we are talking here of LNPs: the wrappers; the containers within which the weapon travels; can we think .. egg shells; skin of an apple; orange peel; banana skin .. protective wrappers

"the rats were overdosed, resulting in the death of one rat and leaving the other two in very poor health after 30 hours"

this is just what the "inert"? wrappers did ...........

one might think the facilitators might possibly go .. hang on .. wait a minute ... Houston, we have a problem ............

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there is so much to take in, in this excellent piece; but surely it is a terrible indictment of the facilitators all around; that they have set aside their previous responsibilities that all assumed were deep and steadfast; how shallow and easily cast aside were things that many considered bedrocks.

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" Toxicity is related to the concentration of the product, and it tends to be highest in the ovaries and liver."

think hepatotoxicity; but till now, we have not had a word for ovarian toxicity; we perhaps need one now; another world first for these therapies.

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phew; fantastic article; so well written; many thanks;

and so many think they get a jab in their arm; and the body comes to the jab; whereas the jab is like multiple metastatic cancer particles; travelling anywhere and everywhere; why this predilection for the ovaries.

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I’m so glad that I refused to be injected with the stuff.

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Nanocarrier imaging at single-cell resolution across entire mouse bodies with deep learning. Nat Biotechnol. 2025 Jan 14. doi: 10.1038/s41587-024-02528-1.

So we are going to look at distribution of an in-house generated "MC3 based" lipid.

OK that's real interesting but it ain't ALC-0315, 159 or SM102.

So much for deeply learning.

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