One can only hope Jay Bhattacharya takes the time to read this as, in my opinion, it is a fantastic piece of work and deserves to be covered by every serious media outlet. Thank you for your continued diligence and commitment.
The great pity is that, unlike you dear old geezers, politicians and 'science editors' as well as 'health editors' in the MSM believed every word coming from the CDC because they were, after all, the only 'true experts' ...
Strange that in 20/21 there were no 'flu' deaths? Looking at the rest of the years (with the exception of 2011/12 (what happened then? Was there another 'killer virus' pandemic of sorts?) there seems a broad consistency of the numbers. Perhaps the 'flu' deaths in 20/21 were simply, lazily and possibly (read: highly likely) incorrectly attributed to some other illness doing the rounds at that time (the 'killer virus'?) - vastly overstating the deaths from one ILI and vastly underestimating annual influenza deaths.......??
If you do not look, you will not find. When I begged the guy responsible for PCR Covid testing in Lombardy in March 2020 to test for other agents he replied he did not have enough reagents.
Because PCR was a niche test done in a few specialised laboratories with high standards of sampling and management to avoid contamination, then the heavens opened and semi house trained polecats were swabbing people in shorts and flips flops in drive ins. Does that explain some of the pandemic?
Hi Tom. You may be aware that Jonathan Engler and I have spent a good bit of time analyzing data and events in Lombardy - and are continuing to do so.
He's referred you to the WATN series on "vanishing flu" but we are also interested in "the guy responsible for PCR Covid testing in Lombardy in March 2020" that "replied he did not have enough reagents".
Have you written about this previously on TTE? Am I correct that you are referring to email correspondence with this "guy"? We'd love more information about this, if you're able to provide it.
There things that I know from the Lombardy saga which I will not divulge as they involve friends and whistleblowers which have asked for protection which I am obliged to afford them. We have already published the PCR fuelled downwards spiral in early March.
Thanks for replying. The Lombardy saga (and the NYC saga) are the two main events that were used to substantiate a pandemic declaration and exact harms against billions of people, including children and the poor.
If the friends and whistleblowers might be willing to speak to one or both of us "on background" (off-the-record, sans attribution, etc), please let me know offline. We have spoken to a number of people in that manner and it's been helpful to the broader effort. FWIW, I have a PhD from University of Virginia, Ed Psych, research methodology emphasis.
PCR tests were weaponized against the populace, as you know. You may be interested in this article we published today about a little-discussed and very curious statement in the Corman-Drosten protocol paper:
Perhaps it was just easier - and helped the narrative of ‘the killer virus’ - to record deaths as ‘Covid’. I seem to recall - in the UK alone - there were some 14 different definitions of what ‘dying from/with Covid’ meant….? Were one to be hit by a bus within 28 days of a positive test they may have been recorded as a Covid death…… I guess we’ll never know - but the fact that ‘Flu’ disappeared in that year (and only that year?) suggests a lot of inaccuracy in the numbers…. I couldn’t tell if the ‘thing’ swabbing my daughter was a polecat, semi housed-trained or not - it was wearing too much protective kit, and I was only allowed to open the passenger side window of my car far enough for the swab to be placed up my daughter’s nose….. ( I got lucky - a medic friend tracked her test and I was informed within two hours that it was negative). My other daughter was yelled at and spat at for working at test centre - so maybe at least some of the polecats were on the outside?
I watched a video in late 2020 on where did the flu go. He held up previous years "flu" seasons charts, by month, and 2020 had normal numbers for Jan/Feb, but, come March onwards, there was zero! Maybe something to do with the enhanced payments for any declared covid patients, I wonder?
Why did this make me laugh….I think it’s because the gloves are off and the dear old geezers are coming out fighting. No more giving the benefit of the doubt, Marquis of Queensbury - who’s he …..…..ding ding…..
We have covered the topic in numerous series such as: Connecting the Dots, F word, Antivirals, Smokescreens and the Week in numbers.
You are asking what is, for example, causing the grey parts of the CDC cones. Correct?
The answer is that at any one time acute respiratory infections are caused by rhinoviridae (one third), unknowns (one third) and the remaining third by a mixed bag of hundred of known agents and their subtypes and serotypes. They go up and down following Farr’s Law of epidemics. So what is this week will be different from next week and so on. We know that the share of influenza (real influenza, A or B) is not that great averaging at about 7% of the known third but going up and down as described. Some years ago when I was asked to look at confirmed deaths for influenza in Canada those that were coded with a modicum of accuracy showed tens of deaths by Province, in some cases the numbers were so low that they were censored for fear of identification (standard practice to keep the ID of the deceased confidential).
we reported ONS data for those properly coded J09-J11 deaths in England. Before 2018 there were hundreds of deaths and a spike of 1598 in 2018. This explains why influenza deaths are never identified in randomised controlled trials of vaccines and antivirals: they are very rare, as well as being difficult to diagnose.
This rarity also explains why political organisations such as the US CDC rely on models and observational studies to prop up their interventionist policies. They are easy to manipulate and provide inflated estimates thanks to bias.
Back to our three sliced pie. Investing billions in trying to find out what, say, the parainfluenzas, coronaviridae or adenoviridae are up to in time period X to Y is completely useless as there are no specific remedies, either treatment of prevention for these. The only thing that brings the risk marginally down is handwashing.
What we know about these agents is fractional and as we have explained some scientists who have spent their lives studying them think they are not even communicable, as we explained in the Riddles series.
I hope this explains things and that I have interpreted your comment correctly.
Please do not wait for the MSM or governments to explain all this, or you will grow old and frail like us.
Thank you for your reply Tom! I clearly have some catching up to do with regard to the influenza series of posts.
However, from what you have kindly explained, it seems that deaths attributed to real influenza are likely to be much lower than reported. Is there a graph that compares the estimated “influenza” deaths with the “influenza” deaths measured for a given year? Moving forward from that, do we have data on proportion of the deaths (%) due to real influenza? If so, does it show that the vaccine roll outs each year work as a preventative measure against these deaths? Or at least preventing hospitalisations? If not, why are we not studying other interventions of prevention?
It seems to me if influenza vaccines aren’t particularly effective, a misleading narrative about effectiveness would allow for complacency towards finding interventions that are more effective.
In truth, I'm not sure there IS such thing as an influenza virus death. What we have are pneumonia deaths that get attributed to influenza via PCR test.
This was increasingly the case in the U.S. since the H1N1 scam, and MUCH more so since 2015. See graphs illustrative of expansion of the surveillance program and attribution of P&I deaths TOWARD influenza in years leading up to 2020. Note as well the attribution AWAY from P&I as UCOD and TOWARD other causes of death, like Alzheimer's. The inverse relationship is curious, as is the co-incidence of Alz attribution increase with deployment of the quadrivalent flu shot.
I can't speak to the UK, but in the U.S., everything we saw launched in March 2020 was ALREADY being done with flu/flu surveillance - just to a lesser degree.
It is almost NEVER the case that an operation the likes of COVID involves government et al doing things they have not already been doing.
There are good reasons to believe that COVID-19 was, in fact and in part, an Operation to off-ramp problematic flu shots that were creating all kinds of morbidity and mortality issues.
I observe that the authors of the GBD all have a history with/expertise involving the flu shot.
Hi Jessica, what is CDC Wonder (upper left in your first slide)? We need to know if we are going to cite it.
The US deaths are in line with what we reasonably know about Canada and UK. Rarely will you have an influenza pneumonitis, i.e. purely viral infection. Bacteria are quick to jump in. Often anyway you have multiple pathologies and in some cases coinfections. The diagnostics and coding are not easy. This is another reason why the CDC adopted the joblot approach, but in doing so misled and distorted reality, making something quite complex into something simple but false.
It seems diagnostics for influenza with respect to coding are entirely test-result dependent. Do you agree?
I am unpersuaded that the agents called viruses are causative of illness, or that they transmit between people. Even virologists recognize that most viruses don't make people sick, but don't seem to be able to demonstrate causality. You and Dr Heneghan seem convinced otherwise, yes?
"acute respiratory infections are caused by rhinoviridae (one third), unknowns (one third) and the remaining third by a mixed bag of hundred of known agents and their subtypes and serotypes. "
goodness; the simple clarity: everyone needs this emblazoned on their foreheads!!
Hi James, thanks for asking me to clarify. When I worked with David Tyrrell (or should I say he taught me the ABC of respiratory viruses), we spent an afternoon talking of Rhinoviruses. Rhino are equine viruses, they come from horses and obviously have adapted so well to us two legged beasts that they are omnipresent - btw another reason for distrusting the zero influenza 2020 nonsense.
If you look at our week in numbers series rhinos are always there, up, down but always lurking in the background. David told me the Common Cold Unit serotyped up to 100, RV 1,2,3, etc the most common being 16. There was no point in going on over 100 for practical reasons: what difference does it make to the taxpayer? None - those were the days when tax money expenditure were accountable.
So cut a long story short there could be 300, 400 serotypes or more. They are RNA so very changeable. They all cause the same set of symptoms.
many thanks Tom; so great the way you can talk to us and interact; great; so many lies folks want to push; so great to have your huge experience brought to bear to expose and counteract this; many thankis
Those of us who believe there was no “pandemic” but rather a plandemic. And those of us who believe big pharma never performed appropriate safety and efficacy trials for every single childhood vaccine. And for those of us who acknowledge the administration of a HepB vaccine to a one day old child is insanity…..I can only say, bring on the health department’s version of DOGE. You have a lot of work to do💕
Give it to the US's CDC! Your figure of the pyramids says it all. Thank you for all your hard work and publications over the years about influenza and influenza-like illnesses. These studies are foundational, but the CDC hasn't changed. Maybe now with new leadership we can get accurate, reliable information and evidence-based guidelines. They have to change to be real service to public health. Keep up the good work!
One can only hope Jay Bhattacharya takes the time to read this as, in my opinion, it is a fantastic piece of work and deserves to be covered by every serious media outlet. Thank you for your continued diligence and commitment.
Jay Bhattacharya has always been pro flu vaccine and engaged in flu shot research.
The same is true of his GBD colleagues, Martin Kuldorff and Sunetra Gupta.
If only Keith, if only …..we can but dream….
The great pity is that, unlike you dear old geezers, politicians and 'science editors' as well as 'health editors' in the MSM believed every word coming from the CDC because they were, after all, the only 'true experts' ...
Strange that in 20/21 there were no 'flu' deaths? Looking at the rest of the years (with the exception of 2011/12 (what happened then? Was there another 'killer virus' pandemic of sorts?) there seems a broad consistency of the numbers. Perhaps the 'flu' deaths in 20/21 were simply, lazily and possibly (read: highly likely) incorrectly attributed to some other illness doing the rounds at that time (the 'killer virus'?) - vastly overstating the deaths from one ILI and vastly underestimating annual influenza deaths.......??
If you do not look, you will not find. When I begged the guy responsible for PCR Covid testing in Lombardy in March 2020 to test for other agents he replied he did not have enough reagents.
Because PCR was a niche test done in a few specialised laboratories with high standards of sampling and management to avoid contamination, then the heavens opened and semi house trained polecats were swabbing people in shorts and flips flops in drive ins. Does that explain some of the pandemic?
Hi Tom. You may be aware that Jonathan Engler and I have spent a good bit of time analyzing data and events in Lombardy - and are continuing to do so.
He's referred you to the WATN series on "vanishing flu" but we are also interested in "the guy responsible for PCR Covid testing in Lombardy in March 2020" that "replied he did not have enough reagents".
Have you written about this previously on TTE? Am I correct that you are referring to email correspondence with this "guy"? We'd love more information about this, if you're able to provide it.
Thank you
There things that I know from the Lombardy saga which I will not divulge as they involve friends and whistleblowers which have asked for protection which I am obliged to afford them. We have already published the PCR fuelled downwards spiral in early March.
Best wishes, Tom.
Don't whistleblowers impart information in the expectation that it will become public and used to right some wrong?
Re the last sentence - you mean that they switched off "covid cases" and hence "covid deaths" in early March 2020 by stopping doing PCR?
Please can you link to your publication re that.
Thanks for replying. The Lombardy saga (and the NYC saga) are the two main events that were used to substantiate a pandemic declaration and exact harms against billions of people, including children and the poor.
If the friends and whistleblowers might be willing to speak to one or both of us "on background" (off-the-record, sans attribution, etc), please let me know offline. We have spoken to a number of people in that manner and it's been helpful to the broader effort. FWIW, I have a PhD from University of Virginia, Ed Psych, research methodology emphasis.
PCR tests were weaponized against the populace, as you know. You may be interested in this article we published today about a little-discussed and very curious statement in the Corman-Drosten protocol paper:
I presume you're aware that the WATN substack has a whole series of articles on "vanishing flu"?
Perhaps it was just easier - and helped the narrative of ‘the killer virus’ - to record deaths as ‘Covid’. I seem to recall - in the UK alone - there were some 14 different definitions of what ‘dying from/with Covid’ meant….? Were one to be hit by a bus within 28 days of a positive test they may have been recorded as a Covid death…… I guess we’ll never know - but the fact that ‘Flu’ disappeared in that year (and only that year?) suggests a lot of inaccuracy in the numbers…. I couldn’t tell if the ‘thing’ swabbing my daughter was a polecat, semi housed-trained or not - it was wearing too much protective kit, and I was only allowed to open the passenger side window of my car far enough for the swab to be placed up my daughter’s nose….. ( I got lucky - a medic friend tracked her test and I was informed within two hours that it was negative). My other daughter was yelled at and spat at for working at test centre - so maybe at least some of the polecats were on the outside?
I watched a video in late 2020 on where did the flu go. He held up previous years "flu" seasons charts, by month, and 2020 had normal numbers for Jan/Feb, but, come March onwards, there was zero! Maybe something to do with the enhanced payments for any declared covid patients, I wonder?
Follow the money is always a good start!
Why did this make me laugh….I think it’s because the gloves are off and the dear old geezers are coming out fighting. No more giving the benefit of the doubt, Marquis of Queensbury - who’s he …..…..ding ding…..
Have you obtained data to compare the estimates to the actual figures for each year?
Hello Marc, thank you for your comment. If I have understood correctly you are asking whether we know the content of Tyrrell’s Rule of Three
We have covered the topic in numerous series such as: Connecting the Dots, F word, Antivirals, Smokescreens and the Week in numbers.
You are asking what is, for example, causing the grey parts of the CDC cones. Correct?
The answer is that at any one time acute respiratory infections are caused by rhinoviridae (one third), unknowns (one third) and the remaining third by a mixed bag of hundred of known agents and their subtypes and serotypes. They go up and down following Farr’s Law of epidemics. So what is this week will be different from next week and so on. We know that the share of influenza (real influenza, A or B) is not that great averaging at about 7% of the known third but going up and down as described. Some years ago when I was asked to look at confirmed deaths for influenza in Canada those that were coded with a modicum of accuracy showed tens of deaths by Province, in some cases the numbers were so low that they were censored for fear of identification (standard practice to keep the ID of the deceased confidential).
In Smokescreens 3
we reported ONS data for those properly coded J09-J11 deaths in England. Before 2018 there were hundreds of deaths and a spike of 1598 in 2018. This explains why influenza deaths are never identified in randomised controlled trials of vaccines and antivirals: they are very rare, as well as being difficult to diagnose.
This rarity also explains why political organisations such as the US CDC rely on models and observational studies to prop up their interventionist policies. They are easy to manipulate and provide inflated estimates thanks to bias.
Back to our three sliced pie. Investing billions in trying to find out what, say, the parainfluenzas, coronaviridae or adenoviridae are up to in time period X to Y is completely useless as there are no specific remedies, either treatment of prevention for these. The only thing that brings the risk marginally down is handwashing.
What we know about these agents is fractional and as we have explained some scientists who have spent their lives studying them think they are not even communicable, as we explained in the Riddles series.
I hope this explains things and that I have interpreted your comment correctly.
Please do not wait for the MSM or governments to explain all this, or you will grow old and frail like us.
An old geezer.
Thank you for your reply Tom! I clearly have some catching up to do with regard to the influenza series of posts.
However, from what you have kindly explained, it seems that deaths attributed to real influenza are likely to be much lower than reported. Is there a graph that compares the estimated “influenza” deaths with the “influenza” deaths measured for a given year? Moving forward from that, do we have data on proportion of the deaths (%) due to real influenza? If so, does it show that the vaccine roll outs each year work as a preventative measure against these deaths? Or at least preventing hospitalisations? If not, why are we not studying other interventions of prevention?
It seems to me if influenza vaccines aren’t particularly effective, a misleading narrative about effectiveness would allow for complacency towards finding interventions that are more effective.
Inspired by your Smokescreens posts at the time, I did the same with U.S. deaths (CDC WONDER) and posted on X somewhere.
Re-posted as a Note here:
In truth, I'm not sure there IS such thing as an influenza virus death. What we have are pneumonia deaths that get attributed to influenza via PCR test.
This was increasingly the case in the U.S. since the H1N1 scam, and MUCH more so since 2015. See graphs illustrative of expansion of the surveillance program and attribution of P&I deaths TOWARD influenza in years leading up to 2020. Note as well the attribution AWAY from P&I as UCOD and TOWARD other causes of death, like Alzheimer's. The inverse relationship is curious, as is the co-incidence of Alz attribution increase with deployment of the quadrivalent flu shot.
I can't speak to the UK, but in the U.S., everything we saw launched in March 2020 was ALREADY being done with flu/flu surveillance - just to a lesser degree.
It is almost NEVER the case that an operation the likes of COVID involves government et al doing things they have not already been doing.
There are good reasons to believe that COVID-19 was, in fact and in part, an Operation to off-ramp problematic flu shots that were creating all kinds of morbidity and mortality issues.
I observe that the authors of the GBD all have a history with/expertise involving the flu shot.
Hi Jessica, what is CDC Wonder (upper left in your first slide)? We need to know if we are going to cite it.
The US deaths are in line with what we reasonably know about Canada and UK. Rarely will you have an influenza pneumonitis, i.e. purely viral infection. Bacteria are quick to jump in. Often anyway you have multiple pathologies and in some cases coinfections. The diagnostics and coding are not easy. This is another reason why the CDC adopted the joblot approach, but in doing so misled and distorted reality, making something quite complex into something simple but false.
Best wishes, Tom
CDC WONDER is the federal mortality database I can make sure the 2021 and 2022 data are final numbers and send, if you'd like.
Regarding viral infection as an invitation for bacteria...
I'm not a scientist or medical doctor, but I've done a good bit of reading, had some good conversations with a very well-regarded academic virologist, and written relevant articles with colleagues and independently (e.g.,,,,
It seems diagnostics for influenza with respect to coding are entirely test-result dependent. Do you agree?
I am unpersuaded that the agents called viruses are causative of illness, or that they transmit between people. Even virologists recognize that most viruses don't make people sick, but don't seem to be able to demonstrate causality. You and Dr Heneghan seem convinced otherwise, yes?
this wonderful collaboration on this substack and so many others; marvellous to see; many thanks to all
"acute respiratory infections are caused by rhinoviridae (one third), unknowns (one third) and the remaining third by a mixed bag of hundred of known agents and their subtypes and serotypes. "
goodness; the simple clarity: everyone needs this emblazoned on their foreheads!!
"hundred" means hundreds??
Hi James, thanks for asking me to clarify. When I worked with David Tyrrell (or should I say he taught me the ABC of respiratory viruses), we spent an afternoon talking of Rhinoviruses. Rhino are equine viruses, they come from horses and obviously have adapted so well to us two legged beasts that they are omnipresent - btw another reason for distrusting the zero influenza 2020 nonsense.
If you look at our week in numbers series rhinos are always there, up, down but always lurking in the background. David told me the Common Cold Unit serotyped up to 100, RV 1,2,3, etc the most common being 16. There was no point in going on over 100 for practical reasons: what difference does it make to the taxpayer? None - those were the days when tax money expenditure were accountable.
So cut a long story short there could be 300, 400 serotypes or more. They are RNA so very changeable. They all cause the same set of symptoms.
Hope this clarifies, Tom.
many thanks Tom; so great the way you can talk to us and interact; great; so many lies folks want to push; so great to have your huge experience brought to bear to expose and counteract this; many thankis
Those of us who believe there was no “pandemic” but rather a plandemic. And those of us who believe big pharma never performed appropriate safety and efficacy trials for every single childhood vaccine. And for those of us who acknowledge the administration of a HepB vaccine to a one day old child is insanity…..I can only say, bring on the health department’s version of DOGE. You have a lot of work to do💕
Perhaps Mr Musk and DOGE might be interested in this - or even the DoJ if they too are not complicit in the lies and cover-ups?
Correct: See figure 14
Go, man (men) Go!
Thanks you for your work from one old geezer to two others!
thanks for your forthright clarity; increasingly, the truth is getting said; well done;
I understand there may be a sign on the door at the CDC shortly
"Under New Management"
Dear Trust the Evidence,
Give it to the US's CDC! Your figure of the pyramids says it all. Thank you for all your hard work and publications over the years about influenza and influenza-like illnesses. These studies are foundational, but the CDC hasn't changed. Maybe now with new leadership we can get accurate, reliable information and evidence-based guidelines. They have to change to be real service to public health. Keep up the good work!
Love it
Well Said gentlemen.
Fauci writes that no flu or covid would get licensed because they are inadequate.