I’ve completely stopped my consumption of sugary foods (cakes, biscuits, chocolate etc etc) for four weeks now and lost 6 kilos and a couple of cms off my waist. A side effect of that has been a huge reduction in arthritic pain such that I haven’t need to take any pain killers in that time. Perhaps health agencies could push that strategy as a game changer rather than these jabs.

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Do you know why the NHS pushes the low fat, high carb diet on people (you know, the food pyramid or food plate)? In the 1960s the sugar industry in the USA paid the govt health agencies millions of dollars to push a high carbohydrate low fat diet on the population (when fat is removed, sugar is put in....). This way of eating inevitably crossed the Atlantic to the UK. And the rest, is obesity....

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This is the way!!! Unfortunately it is very difficult And not very profitable. Congratulations!

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Wow! Congratulations! Sugar is a hard one.

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Unbelievable that we never seem to learn from our mistakes of rushing out "miracle " drugs without proper structured trials. There's no such thing as a free lunch and good health doesn't come in a tablet or injection.

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I have just discovered that my sister is taking Mounjaro. Morbidly obese and having struggled with her weight on and off throughout her adult life, she started on in back in October last year and has lost over 3 stone. The transformation is incredible, she is looking and feeling a lot better...but I am terrified on her behalf. I can't believe this is the route she has chosen to take. I am incredibly sceptical of anything being injected into our bodies these days and whilst acknowledging that on the 'outside' it is working for her, dear knows what it is doing to her organs. I'm really sad....and worried.

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Thank you. I cannot tell you how many patients I have to talk out of using these medication‘s for cosmetic weight loss. I have never used the term sarcopenia so many times a day in my 30 year career as a physician.

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For Mounjaro the advice is: 'Pregnancy: Avoid—toxicity in animal studies' and 'Discontinue treatment at least one month before planned pregnancy'. Ozempic: 'Pregnancy: Manufacturer advises avoid—toxicity in animal studies' and 'Conception and contraception. Manufacturer advises women of childbearing potential should use effective contraception during and for at least two months after stopping treatment'.

In all the media hype around these drugs this is the first time I have ever heard a doctor state that they are contraindicated in women of childbearing age where there is the possibility of conception. Quite an incredible omission that, so thank you.

My colleagues and I are also very concerned about the lack of long-term safety data with respect to sarcopenia and osteopenia, especially in the over 50s. Will we end up seeing people who regain the weight once they stop the medication, but then have more frailty (and insulin resistance)? Does concomitant resistance training mitigate this risk at all? Has anyone bothered looking/quantifying the risk? Are people warned about the unknowns? Are there any follow-up studies looking at what happens after the medication is stopped? Hard to give informed consent with so many known unknowns, let alone the unknown unknowns.

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"The lifetime benefits of these drugs could be monumental .....for many these weight loss jabs will be life changing.... and ease the demands on our NHS.

Life changing - as in - death.

Eases the burden on the NHS though.

Unintended consequences - or maybe not....

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Oh boy, here we go again.....

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My mum has been put on one of these drugs, for her diabetes. My brother gives it her by injection weekly, I don't know which one it is (she's in early stages of dementia). She can't eat, feels nauseous all the time and is constantly on the loo. She's lost so much weight, she's tiny. Horrifying.

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It's such a shame the only TV 'journalist' that will have you on is the vile Hartley-Brewer!

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Why vile? I like her a lot.

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As do I.

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Again, why vile?

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Novo Nordisk will soon be using the plant in Indiana bought from Catalent, which has had many a wrist slap from the FDA.


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