
Maryanne Demasi is questioning whether FDA could carry our due process in 22 days:

Did FDA fully analyse Pfizer trial data in 22 days? Impossible, says expert


Best wishes, Tom

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Dear TTE geezers - a suitcase full of past experience is worth three times its weight in (BigPharm) gold. In other fields of endeavour, such suitcases full of past experiences are equally valuable and ought not to be discarded because they're too weighty and complicated ...

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They knew from the beginning that vaccines weren't going to work for the elderly, see this article published on The Guardian in June 2020: Covid-19 vaccine may not work for at-risk older people, say scientists: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/23/covid-19-vaccine-may-not-work-for-at-risk-older-people-say-scientists

So why was a vaccine solution ever proposed if it was unlikely to be successful in the vulnerable group?

The plan was to use young people to purportedly protect the elderly...

Presenting to a House of Lords committee considering the science of COVID-19 in June 2020, Peter Openshaw of Imperial College said: "Sometimes it is possible to protect a vulnerable group by targeting another group. This is being done with influenza, for example. Over the past few years, the UK has been at the forefront of rolling out the live attenuated vaccine for children, because children amplify the distribution of the virus in the community. It is possible to see that grandparents are being protected by the vaccination of children that are in school using this very benign, nasally delivered vaccine that causes good protection in the nose and respiratory tract. Even though children themselves do not always suffer from severe flu, that is a very simple non-injectable form of vaccine that causes wider protection in the community. So you can get indirect protection using that type of community-based approach to limit the spread."

How bloody shocking is that?!

The natural health of children being compromised with vaccines they don't need to purportedly protect the elderly...

I submitted a BMJ rapid response about this matter at the time, see: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly? https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l108/rr-4

It is absolutely flabbergasting what has gone on with the Covid debacle, and with the wholehearted collaboration of most of the wretched medical 'profession', happily vaccinating children and others with vaccine products they don't need.

How has the medical 'profession' become such an ethical desert? Has it always been like this?

See more background about the unethical COVID-19 and flu vaccination of children in my emails:

- Peter Openshaw and Arne Akbar - Is it ethical to vaccinate the young to purportedly protect the old? 6 September 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/peter-openshaw-and-arne-akbar-is-it-ethical-to-vaccinate-the-young-to-purportedly-protect-the-old.pdf

- Peter Doherty - why did you call for children to be jabbed with defective COVID-19 'leaky vaccines'? 29 August 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/peter-doherty-why-did-you-call-for-children-to-be-jabbed-with-defective-covid-19-leaky-vaccines-1.pdf

- The plan... Covid jabs won't work in the old...so jab the young...who don't need them, 14 September 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/the-plan...-covid-jabs-wont-work-in-the-old...so-jab-the-young...who-dont-need-them.pdf

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You are remarkable in your persistence, Elizabeth. I have nothing but admiration for you thank you so much.

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Thanks Bilbo.

We have to persist against this evil.

So much hinges on 'informed consent'...for everything...

In regard to the vaccination debacle, I've summarised a lot of information in my recent detailed article, see: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

The article is from an Australian perspective, but it's relevant internationally.

Basically, it's about 'informed consent', so much is happening without our informed consent.

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Even Anthony Fauci and his mates admit the flu and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are rubbish, see: The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

And isn’t it interesting they use the term SARS-CoV-2 vaccine…?

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It’s a ginormous racket that’s been in the planning for years…

See: "...is this actually about creating a lucrative pandemic industry, overseen by the empire-building World Health Organization, at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other vested interests?" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/is-this-actually-about-creating-a

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Those past experiences certainly add up to something, gents, what a shame that experience is all too often disregarded. I declined the shots, declined them for my kids (in fact we've become full on any-jab deniers cos we no longer trust the beggars as a result of the Unpleasantness) and the more I learn, the more I realise it was one of the best decisions I ever made. At times the pressure to give in was almost unbearable and it was horrible when the jab pass came in....but I've never regretted NOT taking it. On the other hand, I know far too many people who wish to God they'd never had the covid jabs, and of course what's done, can't be undone. To be clear, in the unlikely event I was heading abroad and needed say, yellow fever shots, obvs, I would, I wouldn't risk something that deadly, but as yet its not reached Cornwall so I think I'm pretty safe 🤣

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How much do you know about yellow fever and the yellow fever shot Toffeepud?

Enough to make an informed decision?

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I'd say probably not now, whereas before I wouldn't have given it a thought. However as we don't go abroad it's a situation that's unlikely to ever arise. I am trying to raise my boys to proceed with caution, one hates leaving town for Cornwall 🤣 whereas the younger is a bit more adventurous....both have now a deep mistrust of pharma. For now, it's never gonna happen 😉

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My friend's immunocompromised husband, who has received not 1 but 2 liver transplants, first one rejected due to not getting balance of meds right, has received 6 Covid jabs. He doesn't socialise at all, especially since the plandemic. Late last year he was admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia, taken off his anti-rejection drugs and filled with antibiotics. Fortunately he pulled through. He and wife have nothing but praise for the NHS. Bourla is actually on video stating immuno compromised should not take the "vaccine" but take monoclonal antibodies instead. Our gov put these people, along with elderly who have least response to infections, at the highest priority for injections.

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Similar story with my friend's dad, had a kidney transplant and almost died. She's begged him never to have anymore jabs but the hospital refused to treat him unless he was "fully vsccinated" whatever that is.....

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Immuno supressant meds are given to organ recipients in order to prevent attack on the foreign organ, so how are they supposed to attack the spike proteins the cells are instructed to make? Are they now literally full of LNPs and spike proteins? The LNPs contain something that should not be injected in humans, Pfizer's patent says so, but EMA ignored it, that's without mmRNA or other contaminants in them.

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Re: "The Kansas legal report highlights that Pfizer should not have represented that the booster was safe for 65- to 85-year-olds after only testing 12 trial participants in that age range, and similarly, wasn't safe for immunocompromised patients."

Meanwhile, in Australia, the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and Janet Anderson, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner, wrote to the Board Chairs of Residential Aged Care Providers in May 2024, saying:


As we enter the 2024 winter period, it is imperative that your aged care services remain alert and take action to protect older people (and your staff).

Vaccination remains the best line of defence in reducing the risk of serious illness and death of aged care residents for both COVID-19 and influenza. However vaccination rates in residential aged care remain disappointingly low.

You and your Board are responsible for ensuring that residents have access to the recommended vaccine dose as soon as they are eligible. Under Aged Care Quality Standard 3: Personal care and clinical care, aged care providers are also expected to offer staff influenza vaccinations and keep records of these vaccinations.


This looks to me that Board Chairs are being bullied to ensure aged residents and staff are pressed to have the vaccines - will these people be giving authentic voluntary informed consent for vaccination or declining if they so wish? Or will the aged care facilities coerce/mandate them into it?

Kelly and Anderson go on to say:


The value and importance of taking these actions is underscored by the data. People who were vaccinated for influenza last year had a reduced risk of hospitalisation with flu by 68% and the need to visit a GP due to flu by 64%. While COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness data continues to emerge, COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be effective against hospitalisation (reducing the risk by 71–77%), and against ICU admission (by 73%).


No sources are provided to support these claims for the flu and COVID-19 vaccines' effectiveness.

I've written to Australian Health Minister Mark Butler requesting the supporting evidence.

See the letter via this link: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-information-for-board-chairs-of-residential-aged-care-providers.pdf

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Putting older folks into a vax study just creates a black hole in your data so better stay away from them.

By the time you adjust your LNP to create an adequate immune response you'll cause so many issues with cytokine and complement activation you'll end up treating any number of 'autoimmune" conditions and it'll set your hair on fire.

Their T-cell populations are low and even if they show to be adequate a good portion are exhausted, senescent or on the way.

If your living by the numbers you'll want to stay away from black holes.

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never mind the typo, not enough coffee yet.....

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A further look at a high risk group-https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2023.1240425/full

"Furthermore, we observed an increase in the proportion of individuals unable to acquire cellular immunity after the fifth dose. This finding might align with Gao et al.’s report using a mouse model, which showed a decrease in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activity and an increase in Treg expression after the fifth and sixth doses of mRNA vaccination, suggesting the mechanism of immune tolerance (27). Since no relationship was observed between the positive controls and T-Spot reactiveness, these immune alternations are possibly specific to SARS-CoV-2. These specific immune alterations might involve the Tregs expression or the emergence of exhausted T cells. Multiple doses of mRNA vaccines are recommended for high-risk groups (28, 29). However, considering the potential for immune tolerance and exhaustion in cellular immunity after repeated mRNA vaccine administration (especially five or more doses), there might be an alternative strategy for SARS-CoV-2 immunization. The potential evasion of cellular immune responses to VoCs following the emergence of the Omicron variant (30) further emphasizes the need to re-evaluate vaccination strategies for high-risk groups."

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not sure how many readers have read posts by Sasha Latypova; (was a pharma exec and now comments extensively)


Sasha states it all very starkly:

the jabs in the US were all a military operation;

the DoD initiated and ran the whole thing; they didn't need FDA: Fizzer was working for the US Govt; so the facilitators didn't count; a very stark post; it was all PREP Act stuff

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Texas already has a suit going. It won't go anywhere, it'll get thrown out. Pfizer has, essentially, a hold-harmless agreement with the government, once the FDA approved the vax and was contracted for production with Pfizer, any thought of lawsuits went away.


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One thing you guys haven’t got in your suitcases is snake oil!

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