To get to the bottom of the avian influenza vaccines saga, we might need a list of body swerves played by the enablers of MHRA and its side kick the UKHSA.
We asked for laboratory confirmation of the H5N1 case in the Midlands, which was reported to have a great crash of cymbals by the UKHSA. The answer was it’s all confidential. We pointed out that laboratory tests are untraceable, except for the ones greatly detailed by UKHSA staff in their publications. No answer, despite a hastener on 27 February. A nice example of double standards.
Given the plethora of licensed or quasi-licensed avian influenza vaccines, we asked what the production differences were. If any. Stony silence since the 26 February.
Given the plethora of licensed or quasi-licensed seasonal and avian influenza vaccines, we asked what the production differences were. If any. Stony silence since the 26 February.
Given the plethora of avian influenza vaccines, we asked for a copy of the informed consent sheet provided or advised to be used to those offered H5 avian influenza vaccines. Stony silence since the 27 February.
Given that the UKHSA has spent a load of our cash purchasing one or more vaccines against avian influenza, can you tell us what a case of avian influenza means? We got an evasive and patronising response and were referred to For further information. We appealed and asked for an internal review using street logic: you cannot classify a viral disease as a threat if you have no definition of an infectious case.
If you add to this list the claimed ignorance by UKHSA of the properties and indications for use of what they bought, a pattern is emerging.
It goes like this: we take your tax money and do what we think is best. However, you should not know what’s best for you, even if you insist, as you cannot better the best. If you are very lucky, we will give you snippets of information that may be confusing, contradictory, and delayed, hoping you will desist in questioning what is best for you. Finally, if you have a problem, write to who knows what’s best for you.
This post was written by two old geezers who don’t know what’s best for them.
Hi Peter W, they are probably employing semi slave labour, but whatever is going on it’s clear answering questions is not their number one priority.
But if they have not worked out that stonewalling us will not work I do not think they are employing the sharpest pick in the bundle.
Best wishes from an old geezer.
Aaron Siri posted on X side effects of 3 Avian Influenza vaccines.