Hi Peter W, they are probably employing semi slave labour, but whatever is going on it’s clear answering questions is not their number one priority.

But if they have not worked out that stonewalling us will not work I do not think they are employing the sharpest pick in the bundle.

Best wishes from an old geezer.

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Aaron Siri posted on X side effects of 3 Avian Influenza vaccines.


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I doubt that the MHRA and its side kick the UKHSA understand the questions you are asking. After all their job is simply to enable and obfuscate for their Lords & masters, Big Pharma, and to help sell drugs.

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This is an accurate log of the workings of a tyrannical regime - a despotism. I'd suggest and inglorious revolution where Starmer is given the boot. I wish you luck. The despots control the police force and the army. This makes them bullies if they weren't already.

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Grateful to now have RFK, Professor Jay Battacharya, Dr. Marty Makary who have all promised transparency, after too many years of obfuscation💖

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In the USA. We still have the same useless basket cases in the UK!

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This is what we need in UK - SoS Health & Social Care will be aware of the new benchmark set by RFKjr.

Extract from RFKjr speech to HHS employees

'We’re going to listen to the experts, and to the dissidents. We’re going to listen to insiders, and to the whistleblowers. We are going to listen to the doctors, and we are going to listen to the moms'

' We are going to usher in a new era of transparency in all of our health agencies. There is going to be no more hidden conflicts of interest, no more secrecy, no more profiteering on the substances that we are supposed to be regulating. We are going to earn the public’s trust with honest, unbiased science. '

Full speech 3 mins, Secretary Kennedy's Message to America - YouTube .

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thanks for this; you lay it out all so clearly; shocking really;

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I don't know how much the earlier studies (pre-2020) of squalene based vax's are going to help any sort of modeling in the present populations.

If you are looking at TH2 responses which squalene induces you have an understandable effect. If you look at Comirnaty for example, you can understand TH1 responses.

There is an axiom of the TH1/TH2 responses that is undergoing constant modification over a relatively short period of time in a historical sense but the cellular dynamics is no where near settled.

Would an individual receiving a LNP jab followed by a squalene based jab induce a mild or intense allergic response or would they be prone to shift to autoimmunity?

I suppose you could try to model that, all I can say is good luck.

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