For me Whitty's most egregious error was to ignore all advice on clinical management. In April/May 2020 he was told in writing that what mattered was the identification of those at risk from developing a cytokine storm, the identification of those developing a cytokine storm and the treatment of those who had developed a cytokine storm (I would add that Boris Johnson's latest offering suggests he was told by the doctors treating him that his severe illness was due to said cytokine storm). Who told him? I did. My input was totally ignored. By the time the unnecessary clinical trial of steroids/tocilizumab had been done - unnecessary because these were established treatments - two things had happened. First, the virus had mutated so that the immunogenic spike protein of the original variant had become substantially less immunogenic. Second, several thousand people had died due to delayed diagnosis of cytokine storm and incorrect and inadequate treatment.

I have said this (in writing) to the Hallett Inquiry and have not been called to give evidence. I would like to know why not. I have far more experience of treating immunologically mediated diseases than Chris Whitty, or indeed any members of the SAGE Committee, government ministers and those conducting the Inquiry.

My own Inquiry, conducted over the entirety of the pandemic, comes to this simple and overwhelming conclusion. The experts were the wrong experts; the right experts were ignored, no-platformed and abused and the focus on prevention of spread was unnecessary given the only issue was whether people would die from the infection, and if so whether they got given the right treatment. End. There follows no need to debate the origins of the virus, the accuracy of testing, the validity of vaccination etc. These are of academic interest only.

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If I might be so bold, whilst what you write is of great interest and seems very likely to be true, you do write as if Hallett and her KCs cared a fiddler's fart about the truth.

I very much doubt that this is the case.

Their only interest is in obfuscation, delay, viciously attacking those like Carl who managed to get called, ignoring those like you who seem very qualified to comment and question and, most importantly ensure the guilty are absolved from any blame (let alone their just deserts.) You can hear the laughter of Big Pharma if you listen.

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Not for me to say, but if they published my evidence today there might be no need to continue with the Inquiry. Whether I could then claim a fee I don't know, but on the basis of the current projected cost £100 million seems a bargain.

Never fear, yet. I have not given up.

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looked up your history Andrew; https://www.westernfrontassociation.com/the-latest-wwi-podcast/ep-37-dr-harold-gillies-and-plastic-surgery-during-ww1-dr-andrew-bamji/

very impressive; thanks for all you have done in this area; great work; marvellous

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" The experts were the wrong experts; the right experts were ignored, no-platformed and abused"

indeed; those in post were carefully chosen

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Follow-up... I thought I should find where the Inquiry had filed my evidence so visited the website. It's not there.

I have asked why not.

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Andrew, I have just contracted the Inquiry asking why they have not included you, your expertise and are indeed ignoring you - not that they will give a damn as I am a total non-entity.Nevertheless, I felt it’s the least I could do. I feel your frustration. It’s blood boilingly infuriating.

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You're not following The Narrative(tm), though I doubt that they'd admit that in writing!

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Many years ago I invited a medical school friend to give a talk at my hospital's postgraduate centre. He had moved from public health to civil service and said that when he began in the DHSS as it then was he expected to find that officials had no grasp of reality. To his great surprise, he said, they had an excellent grasp of reality. The problem was it was a different reality.

So The Narrative (tm) is similarly a different narrative...

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This is the famous quotation about the "downgrading" of covid-19 as a High Consequence Infectious Disease: "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be an HCID in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs."

Without getting into the possible "conspiratorial reasons" for the decision, I find it bewildering that Professor Whiitty, who was presumably party to it, should then issue a warning in January 2021 that the NHS was facing the "most dangerous situation" in living memory. Was the HCID declaration wrong? (It relates to "consequences"). Should it have been changed? Could it have been? Would it have helped if it was?

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Another absolutely brilliant codger-article.

I am reminded of another "Expert" appointed by our wise and science-genius Beloved Uniparty Leaders.

Sir David John Cameron MacKay FRS, FInstP, FICE, Regius Professor at the University of Cambridge, from 2009 to 2014 was Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Unfortunately, before is untimely death in 2016, he pointed out that the notion of relying on "renewable energy" without nuclear and fracking was "an appalling delusion".

You can bet your bottom dollar that the Beloved Leaders heave a sigh of relief when he was boxed up and carried off.

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Keeping in mind the sequence is the following.

1. Get infected

2. 3 days or so have symptoms

3. maybe another day get tested

4. maybe 3-4 days to get result back from lab

5. another day to get reported to HQ

6. another day or to to get added to the tally and get announced in 'todays' numbers.

So between ground zero infection, and the rise and fall graph we all get to see at the pulpit of truth there is a delay of over a week since infection. Add another week or two for delay in deaths.

So the graphs represent infections that occurred over a week ago and two weeks for deaths. Even more delays occurred when labs were overwhelmed. Infection peaks were in decline in Wuhan, Italy and New Zealand (and elsewhere) before lockdowns were imposed, but case report announcement dates were what got the headlines.

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Indeed - and the dates were (ab)used by the MSM, then clearly government propaganda mouthpieces (I seem to recall that they were all given government funding during that time ...) in order to produce the fear-porn graphs we can all remember so well.

Btw - there's this old quip from the times before vaccinate-for-eveything became fashionable: 'if you have the flu and see your doctor, you'll be sick for two weeks - if you treat yourself (remember Lemsip?) you'll be sick for 14 days'. One's gotta be old to remember this ...

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It is horrific to think this single man brought so much disaster to the U.K. just like Birx nhs Fauci.

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It seems to me that Mr Whitty was/is more of a civil serpent than a proper doctor with hands-on experience in a grassroots-GP-surgery.

Creating boxes is, after all, much easier and more salubrious than exposing oneself to the sniffling, coughing masses ...

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I read Dr. Bamji's posting with interest, and have followed it up by reading his other postings. I had heard of the term, cytokine storm, but not really understood it until now. If he is correct, and I have no reason to doubt this, then clearly treatment with early steroids was the correct treatment and ventilation was inappropriate in many cases. This suggests that many of the deaths were iatrogenic. Perhaps this explains Prof. Fong's tears in the witness box.

Do we have records on admissions to ITU following the "discovery" (although it was already known) of the benefits of early dexamethasone? Do the figures show a eduction?

Dr. Tom Goodfellow FRCR Retired

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I can't remember her name, but there's a well known account on this platform who has challenged all the New York "covid" deaths as iatrogenic....remember the TV footage? But, it was ONLY new York.....no doubt someone will remind me of her name but she's been crunching the numbers since the start.

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The proposals for changes to the NI Health Act 1967 make it chrystal clear that although the evidence proves lockdown was a failed experiment, the only changes they intend to make for the next Plandemic are to close any gaping loop holes of our remaining freedoms. Eg, it was ruled in court recently that the Police did not have the power to enter a person's home during lockdown, as they did on multiple occasions. The amendments permit any authorised person to enter premises, with just 24 hours notice being required for a dwelling house. The link is here https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/consultations/health/doh-public-health-bill-cons-document-july-2024.pdf

Most alarmingly, page 47 states In relation to a person, the regulations may impose a ‘special restriction or

requirement’ such as:

o requiring a person to submit to a medical examination;

o be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment;

o be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;

o keep a person in isolation or quarantine;

o require a person to vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatment;

o a person to be disinfected or decontaminated;

o that the person wear protective clothing;

o that the person provide information or answer questions about the person’s

health or other circumstances;

o that the person’s health be monitored and the results reported;

o that the person attend training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk

of infecting or contaminating others;

o that the person be subject to restrictions as to where the person may go or with whom the person has contact;

o that the person abstain from working or trading.

Hugh McCarthy has written an excellent article here. https://principia-scientific.com/unbelivable-totalitarian-health-laws-propsed-for-northern-ireland/#comment-111921.

Thankfully Liz Evans of UK Medical Freedom Alliance has joined the campaign opposing the measures, which have already been passed in Scotland. 1984 in action. https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/campaigns-2/stop-the-northern-ireland-public-health-bill

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I'm amazed no one up in the elite ether ever gets fired. How incompetent does one have to be to (not) get fired? Nepotism is failure's best friend. I really shouldn't be, but I'm still flabbergasted by the altered reality that the anointed ones in the Inquiry keep pedaling.

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What a great post and series of comments. Required reading for Hallett, I'd say. Thanks. I have long had an intuition that those organizing the COVID response thought they were dealing with HIV or some kind of serious tropical disease where physical barriers, testing and contract tracing are successful strategies for preventing spread. Now this mistake begins to make some kind of sense.

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I'm sorry. I think we can conclude that "those organizing the COVID response" thought nothing of the kind, or at least didn't care one way or other.

The conclusions of the Inquiry (after wasting many more months and Millions of taxpayers' pounds) can be predicted with confidence:- "Sooner! Harsher! Longer! Hopefully for Ever!"

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" We have explained the involuntary historical genesis of this distortion and its consequences: yearly obsession with poorly performing vaccines and the stockpiling of overpromoted and overrated antivirals."

tragic; this seems the revealed depth of critical thinking; and folks imagine doctors have knowledge; think; debate; reflect .........

..... really?

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"would welcome a sanity check from TTE commentators."

it is just exhausting; to read the endless obfuscations; unchallenged by what some call KCs; rather like sorting sheep; lies go straight through; truth gets endlessly held up; that anyone could take seriously anything that shitty witty says; he was lowered into place in 2019; as was evil balance; as part of the plan for great unleashing that took place; chaps need chaps, that chaps can trust

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