Hi John and Vivian thank you for your excellent comments. Its is not by chance that EBM has been marginalised and infiltrated - just think of the onslaught on the Cochrane review A122 which we have documented many times. The onslaught is based on the fact that the review does not reach the "right” conclusions.

One more. Everyone in vaccinology knows that antibodes are a hit and miss correlate of protection. I once asked a PHE (now UKHSA) grandee what the serological correlates were and she answered (referring to antibodies): "the more the better".

These EWG guys (or at least the vaccinologists among them) knew the problem very well, but there is no trace of discussion as we shall show in Part 13.

Keep supporting us please, we need you.

Best, Tom.

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We need you Tom…

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Hi Keith, It’s not they do not look for them, they are very rare as we showed in the F word and Connecting the Dots series.

In addition most trials are underpowered and the influenza vaccines registration trials have dubious surrogate outcomes (antibody responses).

Best wishes, Tom

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Beautiful: the EWG "considered that the correlates or the true biological markers of protection are still unknown." - but let's go ahead and do it anyway because that's what 'our masters', the politicians, demand. They hold the purse strings and need to look good 'dealing with the crisis'.

Regarding the Yellow Cards: in this short period between the January 2021 EWG meeting and the start of vaccination in early December 2020 shouldn't alarm bells have rung, given that 500 such cards had been issued already?

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What I find astonishing is that these top class experts actually admit to there being an unknown.

I often wonder just how many "unknowns" there are as regards immunology and vaccinology. Then there are the doubtless myriad unknown unknowns.

And even worse the knowns which are wrong or misunderstood.

Given the complexity of the above, wouldn't it be a good idea if we had some sort of system that looks at what works and what does not work, and what causes harm and what does not.

We could call it - Evidence Based Medicine.

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Even worse: there are "unknowns" which could be "known" with a bit of effort and especially when politically- and ideologically-tinted spectacles are removed. This 'removal' of ideological and political prejudices is something which actually scientists used to be known for. It was called 'sine ira et studio' ...

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the famous remark

"as I have got older, there has been an extraordinary increase in the number of things that I know absolutely nothing about"

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But isn't it true that trials of effectiveness of vaccines for respiratory viruses often fail to look at hard outcomes?

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The truth is that because Covid-19 has never been isolated as a pure sample, there is nothing but "markers" left to even say it exists, and these cannot isolate anything! There is not even an electronmicrograph or a full DNA series except from a fairly suspect method and computer program. Why all this continues is beyond belief.

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saying the unsayable David

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I keep visualising the elephant in the room as I read this substack.

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thanks again; as each set of minutes start; the attendees are listed; many blanked out: eg 29th Dec

I see Dr P Bryan and Dr S Branch - VRMM happily displaying their names for the world to see; underneath are at least two others VRMM is blanked out;

by the EWG or at the person's request I wonder? Can they not be proud of being present? Will it not help them get a gong? How will their grandchildren know of the fantastic contribution they made to this momentous era?

Similarly Dr J Raine - MHRA CEO

Observer Dr N Rose - MHRA-NIBSC

happily identify themselves; a more shy soul also from MHRA-NIBSC is in contrast blanked out below;

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reading the 31st Dec, the EWG received thanks from a very important person, that seems to echo my thoughts above

"”Please pass on my thanks on behalf of the MHRA Board to all of the members of the Expert Committees, CHM and the Agency who have been involved in the decisions to approve two of the major, international COVID-19 vaccines before any other regulator in the world.

I recognise that this has involved many hours of extra work, usually at short notice, right up to and over the Christmas period, so everyone should be rightly proud of their contribution "

So why would these folks want their names redacted? Be proud; let your grandkids see how you saved Britain in 1940; I hazard a guess the thanks came from someone really important like Matt Hancock; a wonderful rush to release a new experimental agent.

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This is all corporate derived target fixation.

If you go back to 2019 the Chinese have already worked on Nano constructs and are identifying pathway issues that are now identified as primary issues such as inflammasome generation, BBB movement, autophagy/apoptosis problems, neuroinflammation, etc........


The narrative at the time in the US was that Pfizer and Moderna had the breakthrough technology that the Chinese didn't have and were "more advanced" which made everybody buy into the corporate narrative. After that it was just a matter of supporting the narrative which now includes suppression of data.

The other narrative is that the Chinese are going with an inactivated viral vax because they are not as advanced as the west. Those poor Asians just don't seem to have enough refrigerators to get the job done.

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Carl & Tom - this maybe important

LNPs (Lipid nano particles) did anyone look at them in the approvals? LNPs are the vehicle used to get the spike protein into the cell. In short are they the cause of the adverse reactions?

1. I had heard one comment very early that LNPs where toxic- can't find the reference

2. Dr Byram Bridle and others recognised that LNPs do not remain in the deltoid muscle, like conventional vaccines, and as we were told by the Establishment.

3. Severe Adverse effects are recorded in a wide range of organs including the heart.

4. New research shows with cell level resolution where the LNPs go in mice - everywhere!

A first choice for an explanation is Darkhorse podcast of last evening @ 1hr 13mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEZ1MKZxWTw&list=PLjQ2gC-5yHEug8_VK8ve0oDSJLoIU4b93&index=1&t=4394s

Jessica Rose has it covered and in greater depth on substack https://substack.com/redirect/5e3bba8f-c1ef-4c98-a2ac-4a9e7807af69?j=eyJ1IjoiMmdrcndwIn0.bjWpzi-liA5y2cAmiWmpJsoSo1uP5b7m7PEGPgqkUsY

I concur with Bret Weinstein of Darkhorse, why were LNPs ever allowed?

Did the Approvals process every consider the transport vehicle?

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HI Brian we looked at LNPs in

Exploring regulatory data sets of the Comirnaty vaccine - 5


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Also, take a look at

Exploring regulatory data sets of the Comirnaty vaccine - 9a

Pharmacokinetic ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 studies from the Japanese regulator PMDA and others


The Japanese regulator has some of the most helpful info.

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Here's another. I'm not sure I can spell it, but a prime example of "extreme insouciance":


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this recent substack talks of the widespread distribution of these agents


I think we are now allowed to talk about them being distributed throughout the body surely?

the whole point is that something lipid can pass easily through the lipid membranes; it is like having a swip card to get into a building;

from pharmacology friends, much work went on with barbiturates to make them increasingly lipid soluble: so from pentobarbitone; that was slowly absorbed; slow acting; add a sulphur group and create thiopentone, an anaesthetic induction agent; rapidly acting as many will know;

this change meant its lipid permeability was greatly increased; and thio could race effortlessly through any lipid membrane; eg into the brain tissues;

so LNPs were surely attempting to imitate this; they carry cargos around the body; within them; effortlessly pass through any cell membrane; (which for each cell means it has lipid bilayers); LNPs surely were "allowed" as they could take their cargo anywhere;

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