Oh, but we do Vivien: wait until 1100 hours CET tomorrow, for next post “An Interlude”. An interlude on abuse, at least some of it.

Best, Tom

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' This brings us back to the 10 December (2020) EWG meeting in Any Other Business. The EWG  discussed the biodistribution of the Comirnaty vaccine, which did precisely what Dr Bridle said: it went everywhere in rats. '

So this BS about being safe is good old fashioned Fraud - misrepresentation for financial gain - Fraud Act 2006 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/contents. My understanding is that Fraud is excluded from the immunity.

And misfeasance in a public office for those not financially benefitting.

Who makes the Fraud complaint is the big question.

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As a Canadian (for now at least, if trump follows through with the threat of take over making us the 51st state) Dr. Bridle and so many others here in Canada , had their careers demolished, fined or caused irreparable damage to their reputations. This was a worldwide effort to shut down dissenting voices. I hope one day soon we will learn who was conducting the orchestra.

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I'll never forget how a BBC fact check (still live) referred to Dr Mike Yeadon as a 'a scientific researcher who has made other misleading statements about Covid'. That's a bit like describing Gandalf as a 'conjurer of cheap tricks'. He's a flipping wizard of great power! And Yeadon was chief scientist and a vice-president at Pfizer, as the BBC knew full well.

Whatever you think about Yeadon's theories now (and they got increasingly wild), the fact that they felt it necessary to spend time discussing his views in one of these EWG meetings shows he was possibly bang on the money back then.

BBC fact check: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57552527

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Which of MY's theories do you consider 'increasingly wild', JT?

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I meant no offence, I have a lot of respect for MY. But I can't get on board with the idea that the vaccines were deliberately made to kill and maim. Maybe that's me being naive.


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No offence taken.

It's hard to imagine how anyone could set out to cause mass harm to strangers - all under the pretext that this was supposed to save people from a deadly disease.

And yet ... It isn't very hard to come up with countless examples of actions taken in the name of the 'common good', or being 'the right thing', that have had exactly such a result.

At random, something like the Dresden bombing, done to force/accelerate German surrender and an end to the war in Europe, thereby saving lives on a wider scale.

Why would people in a position of great authority and responsibility refuse to consider concerns raised, especially when the person raising them has a track-record and status that would suggest they have knowledge and insight?

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" the fact that they felt it necessary to spend time discussing his views in one of these EWG meetings shows he was .. bang on the money back then."

indeed; and remains

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Dr Byram Bridle has indeed paid a price for his "beliefs" - not least that someone anonymous has set up a website in his name rebutting all his claims and noting that he is not a medical doctor (so what I ask). Take a look at the site (https://byrambridle.com). Also worth reading is Professor Angus Dalgleish's latest article at https://dailysceptic.org/2025/01/08/at-last-a-mainstream-media-article-that-mentions-a-direct-link-between-covid-vaccines-and-cancer. The official narrative is unravelling fast. The question is whether any of those who have defenestrated their colleagues, claiming false information is being peddled when it is they that are doing the peddling, will ever be held to account.

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Regarding the sentence: "The vaccine went all over the rats' organs instead of mainly staying in one place (the injection site) like all other vaccines."

It would be crazy to assume that academics think all vaccines stay in one place.

Even lay people will understand that the entire contents of the syringe of all vaccines, including adjuvants, travel through the body and stimulate (only) the immune cells to make antibodies.

Therefore, I think Dr Bridle's concern was that the "new generation" vaccines, containing mmRNA and nano lipids, produce spike proteins not only in immune cells but also in every other cell in the body, such as nerve cells, liver cells, ovarian, and testicular tissues. And also the Endothelial cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The functions of endothelial cells include blood clotting, inflammation, angiogenesis, and immune response.

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" produce spike proteins not only in immune cells but also in every other cell in the body,"

and once a person's cells are hijacked to make foreign material, then those cells are seen as "foreign" and a fierce inflammatory response aims to destroy them; if those cells are in the conducting fibres of the heart; the Bundle of His; then the conducting fibres are destroyed; and heart block ensues; as has happened to many; cardiology depts seem overwhelmed now putting in pacemakers; way beyond what they used to; but like the EWG, it is SECRET!! .. hush; hush ..... NO-ONE must know!!

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"This post was written by two old geezers who don’t like to be managed, probably because they are unmanageable, even by Accenture. "

thank goodness for that; I looked up Accenture;

"Accenture plc is a global multinational professional services company originating in the United States and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, that specializes in information technology services and management consulting. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $64.9 billion in 2024."

"Accenture solves our clients' toughest challenges by providing unmatched services in strategy & consulting, interactive, technology and operations"

I am none the wiser; certainly not why they were a key contributor to the learned deliberations of the greatly esteemed EWG.

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thanks again for this patient and deep and thorough work; Lord oh; the secrecy; the ineptitude; the scurrying around trying to keep all secret; what days of innocence back then; whadyamean? the stuff doesn't stay in the deltoid? when it is loaded with endless LNPs? whadyamean it fills the liver and the ovaries and everywhere else? .. hush, hush, my baby; all is good; soothing noises by bureaucrats; just like the blooming gangs stuff that is ongoing

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This website explains the EWG:

"In May 2020, the Commission on Human Medicines established an Expert Working Group (EWG) to advise the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on its safety monitoring strategy for COVID-19 vaccine(s).

The EWG held four meetings from May to October 2020, during which it considered proposals and methodologies for MHRA-led vigilance activities. Based on this advice, the MHRA has developed, and now has in place, a four-stranded approach to vigilance, which is summarised in this report."


And you can read that there is still hope for the TTE substack authors' contributions, as EWG commits to: "Engaging with academia and other experts".

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"Based on this advice, the MHRA has developed, and now has in place, a four-stranded approach to vigilance"

the four strands would be .. finger in left ear; finger in right ear? nuver finger over left eye; nuver finger over right eye??

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I think the notion of an "Expert Working Group" was one of the twenty or so recommendations of the Duff Report into the TGN1412/ Northwick Park drug trial disaster, twenty years ago. What puzzles me is how rarely the one called into being for the "Covid-19-vaccine" mentions the pandemic apparently raging at the time. On a cursory look I found the word used just twice in six months. I don't think that was what Duff had in mind.

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"chaps need chaps that chaps can trust; otherwise, where would chaps be?"

Yes Minister circa 1983

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