I always think it is good to have a perspective on absolute risk.

The danger of organisations like the CDC is that they appear to see bears everywhere. Helps their reason for existence and funding. it does not help the general public, who generally has a healthy immune system, able to fight off most infectious diseases.

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I agree with Myra. With a eye on their reason for existence and funding.

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Yes, please. Would be very grateful for your further insights. I am so, so sick of all the incessant scare-mongering, and its effect on those around me who seem to think they need to be jabbed every few months, this while also getting a cvid booster in the other arm, plus offers of other assorted inoculants.

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Yes, please. However never forget the words of the psychological advisors to SAGE, on 22 March 2020, speaking about a flu-like disease: "a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened ... the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging."

What do you do when your masters simply lie to achieve their ends? (I count myself among the "complacent", by the way)

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In answer to your question‘ what do you do when your masters simply lie to achieve their ends ?” Is the suggestion that they be hung, drawn and quartered a bit OTT?

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Yes please. Something which we can show people who are pro jabs. Needs to be simple and concise.

Thank you

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Bingo! Nobody here in US is paying attention to CDC warnings. Any intervention needs evaluation of risk (of disease and intervention) AND benefit (of treatment). We, of course, cannot make a determination without understanding all these variables. We physicians used to know this....

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"the basics of influenza: epidemiology, transmission and burden?"

please; no-one else could do a finer job


I try, but it can be very hard to keep up; we have had a huge psy-ops for the last five years; endlessly assaulted; can make one very weary; so when you say ..........

"we realised that some of you have not read the backposts on influenza, ILI and sundry related topics." delighted to be refreshed; by you going over old ground; think of us as always keen to hear from our favourite "two old geezers"; best wishes

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Yes please write about the threat

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A realistic estimate of the genuine threat of ILI and suchlike would be great.

I had the "Hong Kong Flu" (allegedly) when young and it certainly wasn't like "manflu" that normally circulates.

But looking back, feeling lousey and sorry for yourself isn't being very close to death.

But this is, of course, what our Beloved Leaders enjoy so much. Hobgoblins from which they can protect us. Whilst trousering nice brown envelopes, whether from Big Pharma or, for that matter, Big Wind.

Get back to basics.

No doubt there are very dodgy virus-critters occasionally. But it is good when the "protection" bears some sensible relation to the real risk and doesn't involve driving the economy off a cliff.

Then perhaps someone might consider whether a trivial increase in a trace gas that is absolutely essential to all life on Earth is quite so scary.

Step one.

Don't believe what liars tell you.

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Same for SARS-CoV-2, right?

What threat(s) did SARS-CoV-2 pose - and for whom? How was the threat determined? When did the threat “begin”? Why & how did the threat necessitate pandemic and other emergency declarations?


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Yes please

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This sounds interesting.

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Yes please.

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Please give us an objective analysis of the risk so we can arm ourselves with the best assessment and data (which is likely to be a very low risk, based on what I have seen so far).

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Yes, indeed. A simple fellow's qualitative understanding would be something to treasure. Cut through the guff and give us the low down. Thank you.

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"experts warning ......"

that provokes endless mirth and mockery in our circles; these demented creatures; who take themselves so seriously; as they parade on TV to issue their "warnings"; warning; warning; warning; warning ........

X-Spurts warning is another way to describe it; we really look forward to new signs on the door at the CDC: "Under New Management":

a new fast food would offer 2 for the price of 1 as their relaunch offer but we do not want the CDC offering two jabs for the price of one ....... no thank you; I'll just take the fries ......

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"The CDC is warning - should we take heed?"

What is this organization that you speak of?

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