
Bilbo and all see our ONS- derived influenza deaths estimates together with Eugenio’s for Italy from ISTAT:


Overhyped and the f word/influenza shell game. Why? Governments are supposed to be on the side of citizens.

Best, Tom.

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Oct 15Liked by Tom Jefferson

Hi guys

Only two days ago I got a response from the government to a FOI request I made asking how many people died of RSV in 2023. This was in order to make an informed decision for myself and my loved ones what exactly is the risk/ benefit ratio of having this particular vaccine. I wanted the evidence - not the hype or sales pitch. (see below) You pay your money you make your choice but I know what I’m doing.

“……..the number of deaths registered in England and Wales in 2023 where the underlying cause was respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was 44. The number of deaths where RSV was mentioned at all on the death certificate was 353. “

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Regarding RSV vaccine: a short while ago the NHS sent out a helpful leaflet promoting this vaccine - to the over 75s, and babies up to 6 months ... Interested readers might find this leaflet on the NHS website. The argument by the NHS for the over 75s - written as if 'aged = stupid' - was that, although we'd probably have had RSV over the years and just might have developed some immunity, it would be som much better to be 'safe' and get the jab.

I've checked out what's in the one allegedly being given to NHS patients. it's made by Pfizer, but looks remarkably 'safe': no mRNA, no horrid adjuvants, just dead virus and some sugars. However - lo and behold, this same vaccination is also pushed in the USA, where the vaccine is made by good old Moderna, mRNA included ...

Ni, I dunno why we're told we might have acquired some immunity during our long lives but need vaccinating anyway. And no idea why it hasn't occurred to the kindly NHS 'explainers' why the same - acquired immunity - doesn't apply to the flu and other coughs, colds and sniffles ... I'm sure TTE and the readers here might just come up with an explanation. Me, I'm just old and therefore clearly too stupid to understand ...

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this people just endlessly pushing poisons

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I think my surgery has me listed as non complier. I refused all flu shots, despite dame Sally calling staff who didn't selfish. Same goes for COVID , shingles etc. I was most shocked when a non medical member of staff called to tell me I needed statins to reduce my cholesterol. I haven't had a blood test for over 4 years, I was deemed low risk / priority during COVID mania for routine checks. I think we are in a truce where I take responsibility for my health decisions.Just one reminder from NHS re jabbing season.

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The flu is like a yearly flood. The flu vaccine is a new mop and bucket every year. A mop and bucket is sure to keep you safe from flooding.

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I love that analogy!

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Lordy, lordy

"called to tell me I needed statins to reduce my cholesterol."

just like parrots; find a number the upper level of which the system has remorselessly tweaked downwards since the 1990s: then call people and tell them their number is too high;

tell them they need a drug that offers many terrible harms; don't tell them of this; and tell they must take it, or they will die;

the CQE obviously closely audits all this stuff!!

(Well, you would, wouldn't you? .. being a bureaucrat and all; and sitting in a warm, air-conditioned office, some miles away from the action? Oh, sorry, you are working 'from home"?? .. oh I see .. to keep yourself safe ... oh, I see ....... very sensible .. I do hope you are wearing a mask indoors, when alone, to keep yourself safe as well ......)

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I really appreciate the way all these separate threads/ topics weave together with the readers comments to tell a bigger story. It is a great way of learning and provides structure to what otherwise could be a confusing mess.

I noticed that today’s media reported political opinion is that unemployed people could get weight loss jabs to return to work. Don’t know why that brought to mind onyerbike Tebbit (which was apparently a misquote but the implication was unemployed people are all lazy). Kind of ironic it is a labour health minister this time.

On the subject of ‘life changing’ weight loss drugs I came across this interesting podcast which provides much needed balance to the zum zum water elixir of youth headlines:


In all the media excitement about these drugs I have never heard any mention of the risk of bone loss (irreversible?), only a downplaying of the risk of muscle loss, no mention of the risk of bowel obstruction, a small mumbling about pancreatitis risk and then only in language of rarety, no mention of what happens in the longer term when these drugs are stopped, given the increase in adipocytes. If no dietary adjustments are made are we just going to see a rebound in obesity and health issues, as we increasingly see with other long term medications?

This really reminds me of the pandemic response where such faith was placed in mass medication of society with a new product. According to the BBC it is the unemployed of Manchester who are first in line to enrol in this great pharmacological social experiment. I do hope they are fully informed of the known and potential theoretical risks and importantly of the alternative nutritional strategies.

I’m afraid I find the promise of these drugs, like the mRNA drugs, just too good to be true. I am ready to stand corrected but remain highly skeptical.

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good that Zoe and Ben are covering this topic: roll up, roll up: hear the facts about another "gamechanger": another "blockbuster" .......

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I live in a small market town where the GP practices are doing their utmost to get us in there on a Saturday morning for our seasonal jabs. A nurse in one of these practices triumphantly proclaimed that over the course of a morning 400 people had had at least one jab at a financial benefit to the practice/nurse/GP of £27 per patient. So someone has a lot of money to dole out and someone is making a lot of money somewhere along the line.

Keep up the good work and keep digging.


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" 400 people had had at least one jab at a financial benefit to the practice/nurse/GP of £27 per patient"

that helps a lot towards a holiday home in the Lake District

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Describing where the money goes raises difficult questions. What is the actual total cost of all the financial analysts/auditors working for the NHS? It is not the total cost of the salaries. The total cost is twice that if the cost of the office building, heating, air conditioning, telephones, electricity, training, courses, sick days, health insurance, travel, and related expenses are included. Governments don’t look at cost in this way. Governments are also averse to doing a cost-benefit study. Looking at the total cost of financial services in the NHS, would it be as effective, even more effective, to have private sector audit firms provide some or most of the needed financial services? Even asking the question will raise howls of protest. Should the NHS provide educational courses about obesity and diabetes or could the course be part of secondary school education, with evening courses for those older, provided from the education budget? Once patients are medically stable, can they be moved to appropriate housing with some minimal but necessary support? Should these facilities be provided by the medical system or the housing system? Questions like these about the efficacy of vaccines, for example, run into one of the secular myths of modern democratic governments. “This service is necessary, but you won’t have to pay for it; only the rich will be taxed.” A demonstrably false claim, but widely believed, as are the extraordinary claims about vaccines for influenza-like illnesses. Humans have trouble giving up myths, even secular myths, but that is what the geniuses running this substack are suggesting. Trust the evidence is a claim to cause shudders throughout the wiring diagram.

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I do hope that the new RSV vaccines are not encoding themselves into the human genome, like Kevin McKernan has now proven in the Pfizer covid vaccine, and which is causing rapid cancer tumours. This is his most recent substack on the subject.


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