Glenn Miller is still missing, and there's more chance of finding him than of getting a parliament that cannot distinguish between a willy and a wendy to look into this. If the world survives historians will look at these few years and not believe that the populace could have fallen for it; they'll probably think that everyone was painted with woad and distracted with blue beads and little mirrors - and they won't be far out. I'm disappointed that the race still won't wake up even though yourselves and others on X are explaining what's going on. I wonder if the plan was to exterminate all who were too dozy to see the danger - an update on "accidents are God's way of getting rid of stupid people.

Sorry to rant, been trying to "communicate" with BT and Sky and it's left me a bit jaundiced.

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For some faith restoring, have a look at the comments following the gbnews breathless article about metapneumonia today. It seems many people won't fall for it again. Indeed, I'm extremely disappointed GBNEWS even posted such a fear mongering piece - both staffers, Lucy Johnson and Renee Hoedenkamp have already explained this situation in calm, measured tones.

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"Glenn Miller is still missing" and I still miss him.

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Thankyou TTE for bothering to respond so kindly & in depth & thanks to everyone commentating for making me feel I am not alone.

If we have rubbed along with a ‘flu’ shot every year for many years that may or may not have helped those who are vulnerable, then that’s to be welcomed & so many folks now expect it to appear as the summer turns to autumn. Is that a sign of a sophisticated society?

My 84 year old friend suggested to me yesterday that I seemed to have had some bad colds recently & definitely should get the flu shot (I look after my 2 year old grandchild every month who goes to nursery 3 days a week & has a permanent cold)….. maybe I should. Maybe not.

I am extremely alarmed however, by the profligate spending based on invisible evidence that we have a pandemic waiting in the wings based in an avian flu virus that doesn’t (ATM) appear to be jumping species. I agree that we should all be prepared (& be prepared for the shortage of eggs for manufacturing & eating).

But does stockpiling 5.5 billion doses in preparation really add up? Who are the beneficiaries? Hum.


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Big Pharma in the main....

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Yup that’s where I’m going too……

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But....but Rachel from accounts/complaints/the Chinese communist party (delete as appropriate) says the country is broke and there isn't even a cheeky fiver down the back of the sofa for the frozen old folks, so how can we possibly afford vaccines we don't need? 🤔

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In short, a mis-sold insurance policy. Finance has safeguards in place, sadly health has some way to go in all kinds of ways eg RCTs, peer review, conflicts of interest not disclosed etc

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I agree with others that people are unlikely to be lured into another virus scare but I was shocked at how readily they accepted what was in effect a lock down due to amber and red weather warnings.

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And all of this would only remotely make sense if the AI virus acquired multiple changes (either through mutation or re-assortment), including receptor sensitivity, pathogenicity, temperature sensitivity etc. to make it more pathogenic and transmissible for humans.

As it stands:

No sustained human to human transmission of AI has been documented (there has been only suspicion in a handful of cases)

The human cases have been ad hoc and it is not even clear what the exact route of transmission is.

Considering the close bird-human contact (especially in Asia), it is good to note that the number of human cases of AI is extremely low (a few thousand globally over 30 years).

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this is the really rich part of this new publishing/collaborative way: subscribers and readers can participate so actively and refreshingly with the lead writers; here Hills' comments are picked up and very well discussed; and more comments and thoughts generated; a magic new way of "the ordinary people" being heard; being involved;

vs the State Media version where they are lecturered to; talked down to; told them have "got it wrong": that they are far-right extremists or some such pejorative terms; and get fed curated narratives; which would folks prefer? For most of us, calling people names tended to die down after leaving primary school; for some, it has stayed with them; perhaps heightened.

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It's not true that our opinion formers and academics are corrupt, but it is true that they sometimes become trapped in a false paradigm.

Garry Stevenson exposes the false conclusions of economists, whose predictions rely on mathematical "representative agent models". The models ignore how wealth is spread in our society and as a result have consistently failed to properly predict changes in the economy (such as the interest rate).

This reminds me of UK COVID-19 modelers, who ignored Farr's Law, and failed to accuratley predict the spread of the disease. We "locked down" and vaccinated as a result. Prediction using models is risky and can be disasterous. Garry Stevenson continues to make money by following his own judgement.


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modellers ........ meddlers ............ muddlers ..........

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thanks; we greatly value your great ability to summarise all; from your deep background over many years researching and writing on these topics; please keep moving forward; all you write is very enlightening.

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