I learned something new today: the discovery of the influenza virus and subsequent setting-up of research networks - aim the first years after WWII. This was the time of the outbreak of the Cold War, and governments/parties tried desperately to keep the command economy of the war going, in a more palatable guise without going down the road of plain sovietisation. That mindset is still with us, thanks to 'education'.

Regarding the vaccinationitis against flu and all: anecdotal but interesting nevertheless. GPs and especially pharmacists were clear, in the late noughts and early 10s of this millennium that there was nothing to be done except take Lemsip, lots of fluids and don't bother the doctor with your sniffles. A pharmacist told me to grin and bear it because there were over 200 coronaviruses causing the common cold, so just put up with it and take Lemsip, Streusels, drink tea ... The first supplements became more widely available, e.g. echinacea, and one was encouraged to take those by pharmacists, without being regarded as some old-fashioned herbalist nut job ...

Well, what can I tell you - being old and stuck in my ways I'm still doing as I was told a dozen years ago by the then medical professionals, covid or not ...

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Pretty much the entire power structure we see in operation today was set up by WWII and post-WWII reconstruction efforts. I agree it's really interesting to see how this played out in medicine here.

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And are you ensuring that you have optimal vitamin d levels? See Dr David Grimes blog

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indeed; I was going to say the same: Vit D, that marvellous prohormone, seems so central to well-being; either make it by getting out in the sun; or swallow it: 5K or 10K a day; ignore the stupid advice of shitty witty and evil balance to take 400 a day!!

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You have a reference?

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One might wonder the kind of world we get when we don't take the time to be sick when we need to be. It's this one.

"Readers should remember the historical context of Sir Christopher’s statement. This was two years after the end of WWII, which, alongside its predecessor, WWI, had devastated large parts of the globe. The heavy human toll meant that it was essential to keep the war industry going and not lose working days through what they called influenza, or flu. Men had to fight, women work in factories, neither could stay in bed with a fever."

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to witter on a little more on about what I can only call the mystery of micro-organisms: this quote

"During infection, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) transitions from nonmotile rods to cocci, then to motile rods, and ultimately to a filamentous form whose size is thought to prevent phagocytosis"

translation .. when E Coli seems to become active and aggressive in the wee; this "simple" bug

1) .. transitions from nonmotile rods to cocci,

2) .. then to motile rods, and ultimately to

3) .. a filamentous form

4) ..whose size is thought to prevent phagocytosis" (ie your white cells can't gobble it up)

from here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5834356/

and the detailed reference is https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3071881/

so the whole business is really very simple; straightforward; your doctor can explain it all to you ..

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Based on your research what is the role of Covid Vaccines and Paxlovid ??? B Moore MD

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looking forward Brian to seeing some of your articles; would you be from NJ? https://www.healthgrades.com/physician/dr-brian-moore-3g7fw Do put pen to paper; we are always keen to learn.

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how about .. making lots of cash for their makers?

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I may be completely off-target; but I discovered the concept a couple of years ago of "pleiomorphic bacteria": that instead of wearing the same clothes every day of the year; they adopt false moustaches; indeed change forms; and can and do appear as circles; blobs; long wriggly worm-like entities;

eg a cursory search finds https://microbeonline.com/characteristics-shape-of-pathogenic-bacteria/ or https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4273665/ legionella as a myriad of variants; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20875345/ or https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-10479-8 and this letter http://pnf.org/compendium/An_Open_Letter_On_Pleomorphic_Microbiology.pdf

I only offer all this up to suggest the world could be a tad more complicated than we are allowed to think

somewhere I have a large textbook on this; a whole world of knowledge that is NOT what medical schools teach ........ I suppose I should finish by saying to all TTE readers what they do all the time; keep thinking!

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what a marvellous post; (as usual): you just keep assailing us with wonderful, penetrating, on-target truth; against all the lying obfuscations of the lazy; who are writing never-ending scripts for corporate players; we have to get our truth fix from somewhere; our vaccination against all the lies!!! ha, ha! We look to the vast staff of TTE to get this! many thanks:

I am off to dig more deeply; how did that guy claim to discover the F bug; was he; like the discoverer of west nile virus, a little slack; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoARDRCwo5Y

a little deluded; a little .. conceited .. a little ... covered for, by his "peers"? .. all wanting to create (and benefit from) a new empire of falsehoods and deceptions?

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