A Midwestern Doctor had (her? - if Jimmy Dore is to be believed - ) usual long but absorbing article a few days ago too. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-grotesque-bird-flu-scam-and-how

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I am so frustrated and furious. Crafty, conniving barstools…..much more joined up than they let on. Conspiracy…..what conspiracy………expletive. Thank you Myra, I wish that I could offer something more helpful than an angry diatribe!

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thanks; we feel so threatened and menaced by all these evil machinations;

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They have their products, now they need their customers!

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I am not entirely with McCullough.

H5N1 Clade has been circulating for a while before it hit the USA, so a lab leak

is not necessary for this outbreak. And it is quite normal for wild birds to show no signs of disease, where poultry gets badly affected. It is not sure why. Naive poultry population, high viral load through crowding?

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