Hi Maurice, thank you for your thoughtful comment. William Farr made his observations when the term virus meant something completely different and Pacini’s observation of a live “vibrating” vibrio corpuscle was not widely known. Both Snow and Whitehead knew that by the 3rd day of September 1854 the Golden Square outbreak was on the downward slope. As we explained in the Snow series, the removal of the pump handle was the shutting of the stable door behind a long bolted horse. Both thought the decrease in cases due to the deaths, immunity, depopulation of the area and eventually not drinking the contaminated water.

Coming to the modern concept of a respiratory virus: in early 2020 we were struck by the persistent level of panic that did not match what we knew, thanks to Farr. Eventually reasonable data on CoV-2 circulation showed the usual downward turn. It took a while to understand the underlying dynamics fed by inappropriate use and reporting of PCR, dashboards and charlatan modellers and influencers.

The ups and downs have probably multifactorial origins and we do not understand their relationships, as we made clear in our Riddles series and yes, viruses are things, not living beings and the WHO changes the definition of “pandemic” to suit the perceived facts. So a pandemic is when Dr Tedros says it is. We were going to write a post to document the chronology of the changes, but as everything else, time is short and the big job of the MHRA minutes has left us a bit knackered.

Thanks for your support, keep commenting and spread the word.

An old geezer

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What do think about Robert Koch's sidekick, Friedrich Loeffler's contribution to virology, albeit animal virology. From the Journal of General Virology 'Loeffler and Frosch described their discovery that the causative agent of FMD was neither a known bacterium nor a toxin but an ‘ ultravisible, ultrafilterable substance’ which previously had gone unnoticed due to its minute size. In the extensive and very precise experiments

undertaken, they were able to transmit the disease from calves suffering from FMD to other susceptible cloven-hoofed animals by transplanting germ-free filtered vesicle lymph.Loeffler and Frosch were able to rule out a toxin as the cause of FMD by serial transmission of filtered vesicle from diseased animals. According to the meticulous calculations which they made, if the cause of FMD was toxin-based, then after several animal-to-animal transmissions the original material would be so diluted that only ‘ 1 : 245 trillion ’ of the starting substance would remain. ‘ A toxic effect of that nature would be unbelievable’ they concluded. Since the disease ran its characteristic course with every round of transmission, the causative agent, therefore, must be some sort of minute agent capable of reproducing itself.

Furthermore, Loeffler and Frosch already knew from their initial studies that the infection of animals resulted in a solid immunisation.

Author for correspondence: Stuart Siddell.

Fax j49 931 201 3970. e-mail siddell3vim.uni-wuerzburg.de

0001-5881 5 1998 SGM



R. Rott and S. G. Siddell


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Thank you for mentioning RFK’s confirmation and his commission. Our prayers have been answered. Yesterday Donald Trump, cut off federal funds to any school (grade school, high school, university) that continues to require a covid vaxx for its pupils. It may look like a small step, but IMO it is a massive clue for the direction RFK will be expected to proceed. The work of Heneghan and Jefferson, will be part and parcel of RFK’s mission in the USA. Thank you.

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RFKjr is now the most powerful man in the world. He alone can declare a pandemic in the USA. Trump is just the front man, the PR guy, the entertainer.

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More numbers:

NHS England's budget will increase from £171bn in 2023/24 to £192bn in 2025/26 an increase of about 12%.

In 2020/21, the productivity of the health care sector in England fell by 23%, largely due to disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. A more recent analysis of the acute sector by NHS England suggested that productivity in 2023/24 was still 11% lower than pre-pandemic levels.

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) says waste is “using or expending resources carelessly, extravagantly or to no purpose”. Abuse is “behaviour that is deficient or improper”. Fraud “involves obtaining something of value through wilful misrepresentation” and is labelled after a legal process.

I wonder if any of these activities account for the poor financial performance of the NHS and if we need our own "Department of Government Efficiency" to find out.


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Does the team think that Farr's Law is related to the replication incompetence of all viruses? If serial passage through 5 glass dishes always attenuates a virus then serial passage through a small number of persons will always defecate out its toxicity. (I read, somewhere, that from one person to the next 25 to 35 amino acids will have changed.)

If this is true then _all declarations of a pandemic are lies. A pandemic is a physical impossibility, as Farr's Law suggests. So when they produced the same genome in China, Arabia, Italy and USA they lied through their teeth. Either that or they cloned, bottled and deliberately spread it.

Technical note. In my view viruses are a mistaken categorisation of physical things. They are dead not alive. Therefore they do not reproduce. Whereas living things self-organise, merely physical things disintegrate. (On the grand scale that is called Entropy.) Hence the so-called 'replication' is a dubious term.

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I can prove the statement "Whereas living things self-organise, merely physical things disintegrate."in one word. Death.

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Would be interested to know what the two old geezers think about the current norovirus semi-panic. Numbers do indeed seem to be high according to testing but there is a vague and waffling section in the weekly report about the reasons being unclear, there's a new variant (but I thought we didn't acquire any long term immunity to norovirus anyway so this shouldn't make much difference surely?), or perhaps testing methods have changed (shouldn't they know?), while still trying to blame it on lockdowns and changes during covid etc.

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Your brain could hurt:


But....mRNA to the rescue


The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Well, Yorkshire Live is certainly exhorting people to "mask up" and in anticipation of being told to "do one" turns the comments feature off such articles 🤣 I've had something unpleasant this week, I carried on working, mum duties and karate training but my other training was shelved in favour of rest (I run, swim as well). Sore throat, tired. Meh. It'll go. Kids and hubs are fine.

I look forward to seeing what RFK and his team achieve. Someone commented that toilets were flushing all over in the offices of Big Pharma.....🤣

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