Seems there’s plenty of money to give away if one has gets jabbed……trying to attach a photo of an NHS placard offering a £250 prize if one gets their flu jabs….. (Bedfordshire NHS - and via Dr Dave Cartland)

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Brilliant update as always.

NHS guidance is extending beyond the ‘visit the jabbatoir to save your loved ones’ delusion. They’re also promoting self-isolation for 5 days.


It appears that The Week In Numbers now has competition from UKHSA’s “Winter Virus Watch”. Sounds like Sir David Attenborough should be narrating it.


“Want the latest numbers for #Flu, #COVID-19 & #RSV? Look out for our Winter Virus Watch. There will be lots more data on the UKHSA data dashboard 🤧

This afternoon we release the first weekly data of the season,

Check in every Thursday for updates. #GetWinterStrong pic.twitter.com/UoUJ0zsPL7

— UK Health Security Agency (@UKHSA) October 10, 2024”

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Jabbatoir! Why would anyone take meds for something they have no symptoms of? Ah! Preventative, no doubt, another "blockbuster" like a statin.

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thanks; how short are memories; that the jabbed were far more likely to be ill than those wicked souls who refused to submit to unproven, experimental, gene-encoding therapies: what's not to love about them?

this information was freely available from ONS (and Canadian) and other sites; till they all realised the terrible mistake they were making; and all such data taken down;

and surely the MHRA did the same: refusing to disclose jab status; the very dubious leader, May/June Rain ........ who is still there, sun or rain ...........

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A close member of my family chose to have a flu vaccine but not a Covid vaccine. She booked a flu vaccine at her GPs yesterday. When she arrived the nurse giving the vaccines said ‘Covid left arm, flu right arm.’ Family member said ‘ no thanks I have only booked the flu vax,’ nurse said ‘you have to have both.’

Family member said ‘ I only want the flu one today’. Nurse said ‘why don’t you want the Covid one?’ Family member said ‘ I just don’t want it.’ Nurse said ‘ you can’t just say you don’t want it without a reason’. Family member said ‘ I have a reason, I don’t want it.’ Nurse said ‘ You are wasting my time, I don’t think I am going to let you have the flu vaccine without the Covid one. ‘ Family member said, ‘ I have been very patient and polite but I have had enough, if you are threatening to withdraw my flu vaccine I intend to go and make a complaint to the Surgery Manager personally and in writing.’

Nurse jabbed one arm with one vaccine roughly and irritably. Family member initiated official complaint. How many other people are being subjected to this treatment in GPs surgeries across the UK?

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That's absolutely disgraceful. I would have told her to shove her flu shot somewhere dark and moist and walked out, and made the complaint. The flu jab is also a waste of time, but nobody should be forced to have both. The problem is, some nhs staff think they are blooming saints after convid......

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Agree completely- one thing that proliferated during Covid was rude, ignorant jobsworths…..not just in medicine/ NHS - no not tarring everyone with the same brush but if you are/ were silent you are, were complicit - but in all colours of political parties who delightedly voted for lockdowns with not a thought for the consequences….or did they…..

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"Steve Russell, the NHS national director for vaccinations and screening," " “crucial that anyone eligible gets vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them”"

as Mandy Rice-Davies would have said: "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?" even in his fact-free bubble ...

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Why are we employing these lying ill informed buffoons? Oh yes….we are all still pretending…..

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That's some criminal fines and fines history Eli Lilly and their lawyers should be proud of -


Funnily enough no Bigpharma exec or employee anywhere has ever done jail time.

Corporate manslaughter anyone?

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Corporate manslaughter is the name of the game !

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"Victoria’s training as a barrister specialising in organised crime did little to prepare her to spot the criminality within organised pharma."

one born every day isn't there: the endlessly gullible . boy, have I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you ..

" Atkins noted the drug’s “game-changing potential”."

one just bursts out laughing; perhaps very bitter and cynical laugh of despair: EVERY new drug from Big Harma is either a "blockbuster" or a "gamechanger" ......... only two categories for each new nihilistic therapy;

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

The UK population needs to destroy the NHS before it destroys them. Sadly, they opted to 'save' it during Covid. What a lost opportunity!

PS: Here in Australia we have decided - after failing to entirely demolish the economy and our health with 'Medicare' - to complete the job using the NDIS.

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I note the CDC have published the expected 'effectiveness' of the Influenza vaccine in the Northern Hemisphere, a figure which they derived from from the Southern Hemisphere this past winter. They chose not to include New Zealand and Australia... so I suspect the results were worse there. Anyways, the effectiveness apparently worked out at 35 percent for preventing hospitalisation. ALL OF THOSE INCLUDED in the studies had influenza-like illness. In other words, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike had clinically indistinguishable symptoms. About 80 percet didn't have Influenza... they had something else. The 35 percent effectiveness was amongst the 20 percent who had influenza. So expect the Flu vax to be about 7 percent effective against what Jo & Joe Bloggs and their GP would call The Flu.

Put another way, expect the Flu vax to be about 93 percent ineffective against what Jo & Joe Bloggs and their GP would call The Flu.

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Surely, if someone has a diagnosis of alzheimers, they already have symptoms???? Big PHarma really are organised criminals......Hubs got an email telling him it was time to get our autistic boys their "seasonal" covid jabs - no, never. No idea why the NHS keeps pushing this onto perfectly fit and healthy children, especially as it doesn't flipping work. One of the karate mums is still getting jabbed because she cleans for folk in their 80s and 90s - guess what? She's being tested for a whole host of health problems and is almost constantly unwell. She had her jabs this week and looked like death warmed up, said she couldn't remember the last time she felt so unwell (probably the last time she got jabbed). She's not yet 40 and has an 8 yr old son, I worry she won't live to see him grow up. 😔

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"The good news is that it is only 73 days to Christmas - have a restful Sunday"

Bah, humbug!

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Almost finished my Christmas shopping 🛍 🤣

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I've only got 1 shopping day left - I'm not sure which day yet!

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I think Steve Russell likes playing with chatgpt.

I tried to do the same things he does after 5am tea. I asked chatgpt to resolve my doubts: "Is there a drug that blocks the transmission of SarsCov2?" Chatgpt enlightened me.

Currently, there is **no drug that completely blocks the transmission** of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, several treatments and interventions can reduce viral replication and, indirectly, the likelihood of transmission. These treatments primarily aim to lower viral load in infected individuals, which may reduce their capacity to spread the virus to others.

### Key treatments and interventions:

1. **Antiviral drugs (e.g., Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, Remdesivir)**:

- These drugs target the virus's ability to replicate in the body. By reducing the viral load, they can decrease the severity of the infection and potentially reduce how much virus an infected person sheds, thereby lowering transmission risk. However, they do not completely stop transmission.

2. **Monoclonal antibodies**:

- These are lab-made antibodies that mimic the body's natural immune response to target and neutralize the virus. Early on, monoclonal antibodies were effective in treating COVID-19 and reducing viral load, which could lower transmission risk. However, newer variants of SARS-CoV-2 have shown some resistance to these treatments.

3. **Vaccines**:

- While not a drug, vaccines are the most effective tool for reducing transmission. Vaccines like those from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca help prevent severe illness and reduce the viral load in vaccinated individuals, which can lower their ability to transmit the virus. Although vaccines do not completely block transmission, they reduce it, especially before the emergence of variants like Delta and Omicron.

4. **Experimental therapies**:

- Researchers are working on new therapies, such as nasal sprays or inhalable treatments, that aim to reduce viral replication in the upper respiratory tract, potentially lowering the risk of transmission. However, these are still in experimental phases.

### Preventive measures:

Aside from medical treatments, **public health measures** such as wearing masks, social distancing, and improving indoor ventilation remain key to reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

In summary, while no drug can fully block SARS-CoV-2 transmission, antivirals, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines significantly reduce viral load and transmission risk.

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