Jun 27Liked by Tom Jefferson

I have a large book to donate to the TTE Library of Mendacity:

- The Greater Manchester Police Book of Overreach Chapter 1 - raiding terminally ill 9 year old girl’s birthday party gatherings. Chapter 2 - confiscating ‘non-essential’ Easter eggs from shopping trolleys.

and some small books:

- Hansard’s list of MPs attending at “vaccine” injured and bereaved committee meetings.

- HM Governments Guide to Ethical Limitations on Behavioural Insights

- The Tony Blair Institute for Change atlas of African countries not in the TBI / Oracle cloud vaccine passport rollout

- The book of safety and efficacy evidence for administering Imvanex to gay men to prevent monkeypox

- Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme inflation adjustment timeline

- The Ministry of Defence list of warehouses that aren’t full of 18,000 unopened ventilators and £1m of spare parts

- The NHS 2020 calendar of days where fewer than 1000 ventilator beds were available for new patients

- The UKHSA Annual Report on improvements in UK health security

- The UKHSA roadmap for removing CONVID floor stickers and Perspex screens

- The NHS register of patients who used Nightingale Hospitals

- The NHS Scotland Guide to providing IVF to women who haven’t been injected with a CONVID product

- The HM government book of reasons not to do this all over again

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Jun 27Liked by Tom Jefferson

I just love TTE. In all the madness you make me smile, make me think and I regularly thank you for your chutzpah . Keep it up you old geezers we need your sane voices

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Jun 27Liked by Tom Jefferson

a great piece of writing guys; majestic; I just shake my head at the magnificence of the writing; tremendous

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I sense your despair. Many of us cannot shake that feeling. The world is in a state of chaos, intentional, with each day a new announcement of chaos..the M25 closed, airport power outages, jr. Docs on strike, boil your water in Birxham, m pox, birdie flu, food shortages. Yes folks, maniacs at the wheel of the car you are in. Get out while you still have a chance.

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I have had 3 return train trips in the UK in June for family reasons - Stansted Airport return, London return, London and back via Manchester airport return. 5 out of those 6 journeys have had all or part of the leg cancelled - for a whole variety of reasons and at very short notice (15 mins from departure). Depressing when you're thrown off the train that replaced the cancelled one at the next stop for no good reason? Looking at you EMS at Stockport Monday night.

I emailed the DfT and Sec of State for transport (not that he's ever going to see it) - not to complain as it's obvious that someone being hit on the line or a train fault isn't predictable or anyone's 'fault', but I wanted my observations and experiences recorded somewhere. I'm just an ordinary travelling member of the public trying to get around - or recent experiences - not getting around. Train travel (IMHO) has significantly deteriorated in the few years - I think we all know why.

My local Con MP David Davis has a consultation out on a potential new train station/interchange on the main line into Hull. My comments back were I would much rather attention is paid to getting the trains running reliably all the time than a new station (serving a new 25 acre Smith and Nephew research facility). Different pots of money probably so not the same conversation but I do wish someone would sort it out and get a grip.

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"A comprehensive list of the proven beneficial effects that Modern Pharmaceuticals, particularly mmRNA therapies, have had upon the health of living beings".

"A comprehensive list of Stock Exchange listed Pharmaceutical Companies which have never been fined for making false claims in respect of their products, including but not limited to, criminal fines".

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I'm in a safe Labour seat so my vote won't change the outcome. How do I make it count?

By voting for Nige.

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Isint it a numbers game, the more that vote, the more numbers get seen, even if the same old duffer gets in. we ar making our point.

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Correct. The people who did this to us absolutely loathe Nige, so vote for him. Not voting either counts as 'can't be bothered', by normal people, or 'content to have us and our policies, so would have voted for us if could have been bothered' by pollies.

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If you don't vote for Nige (imperfect human as he may be), or if you don't at all, then you will be considered to be happy.

As in WEF's Klaus Schwab, dressed in his Megalomanic suit puts it: "You Vill haff Nussink! But you VILL be happy!" (HT Mark Steyn)

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Talking about Matt Hancock looking at his reflection in a well... I heard he was often late for meetings... held up by a full length mirror.

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Or by the attentions of a lady who seems to have held a grudge against a certain part of her anatomy.

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Tough list to vote from ;).

As this is a biased voter group with some vote rigging likely (email voting), I think

“The Cochrane Book of Good Editorial Management on (what they regard as) woke topics?” has the highest chance of winning. And as I am very competitive, my vote goes there.

And I would suggest to add cows to the list of bird flu suspects!

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Aww - cuddling cows is certainly not to be recommended! I'm intrigued thought to see that sheep have been omitted from that list ...

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I remember when SARs cov2 was found to be rife in deer. In Scotland there is a massive deer overpopulation problem and a barren landscape as deer seem to eat saplings faster than they can be planted. I expected a mass deer cull on the back of this finding especially as a cull is needed anyway, would have other advantages such as environmental, a boost to the economy and fewer cars wrecked by deer in the roads. But the governments only seem to want to cull domesticated farmed animals where we pay farmers for their costs. Not that culling deer would do anything to stop the spread of a respiratory virus, but neither will culling birds or cows, who do eventually get herd immunity if left alone. it’s inconsistent. I suppose the theory is closer contact with humans but where does it stop?

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Do you remember the massacre of mink in Denmark?


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Yes I do remember - the Guardian did an update on that in 2022, seems like it has decimated the Danish mink industry. But why Danish mink and not Polish mink or mixed race mink? It looks as if there was an EU lobby to get rid of the fur trade for other reasons, so one has to wonder.


On the subject of culling animals in response to respiratory pathogen outbreaks I found this podcast with Peter McCullough made some great points - the whole episode is worth a watch as they cover the revolving door pandemic industry but from 40.45 they comment on the avian influenza scares, the PCR shenanigans (quoting a vet who says they don't believe cows are actually at any clinical risk) and the nonsense of bird culls. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-hot-zone-vax-racket

There was another episode on culling - an animal sanctuary in California decided against a cull and 26/160 chickens, ducks and turkeys died but the rest recovered, or were unaffected. Is infection induced herd immunity still a forbidden concept?


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The book of Ways to Avoid Catching The Certain Death Plague, which includes eating a scotch egg with your pint (if you just drink your pint minus the scotch egg - certain death), sitting down in pubs (standing up - certain death), putting a rancid piece of cloth over your face to visit the toilet in a hostelry (but if you're sat at a table, obvs the plague knows to avoid you).....not sitting on park benches (if you do, oops! Certain death!) It's a bit like that game show from the kids programme Horrible Histories called Stupid Deaths 😂 Incidentally we have a rucus in our area, 2 LibDem activists have been arrested for election fraud already 😂 and their candidate has been parachuted in from somewhere else while still working for an MP in Shropshire. You couldn't make it up.

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I am in a safe Tory seat so my vote will count for nothing either but then there is no candidate I would vote for anyway. But, as I have voted in every election since I was 18 (a very long time ago) I have to do something and the only thing I can think of is to spoil the ballot paper..

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Useless, I fear. Did you recently try to find out how many spoiled ballots there were in an election? Having done so myself, I find they now seem to be lumped in with invalid ballots (those with no cross or too many crosses or whatever) and even that number is usually withheld. At one time, all candidates had to examine spoiled ballots (which they could occasionally challenge), I guess someone still checks them (77th Brigade?) but doubt if you will achieve so much as a blush from candidates.

The Uniparty and the Media, Academia, Billionaires and very likely the King would much prefer you not to vote Reform. So just go for it!

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I fear you are right Martin it’s just the thought of not voting at all is an anathema

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Pointless. I used to think this counted. It doesn't. Think negatively: think about how most effectively to vote *against* these buggers. It's probably going to be Nige or, if they're standing, the SDP.

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I’m the same. No candidate represents my views so I voted for an independent candidate with an anti war agenda who will probably get only a handful of votes but at least when there is nuclear Armageddon or my nephews are called up to be sacrificed in a war brought forth by despicable warmongers I will have actively voted against it. Which of course will be a moot point but possibly says more than a spoiled ballot. I don’t agree with all their points but as no one is willing to talk about the pandemic I can’t base my decision on that.

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Jun 27Liked by Tom Jefferson

We have a small collection of small books in our "smallest" room. One has on the cover "Why men are more intelligent than women". Inside it is just empty pages!

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For the shortest book I propose the book of sound scientific evidence supporting the climate catastrophe scam.

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The shortest book surely has to be "How to cuddle a Grizzly Bear" - one page, with pictures ...

Me, I'm just sad that I'll not be allowed to cuddle my chickens - not that I have any - and am just glad that so far dogs haven't made it yet onto the 'avoid' list ...

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Cats will never make it on any list! They're Goddesses and humans better not try mess with them, lists or not!

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Its been said many times on TTE but you maintain sanity. Thank you so much

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