I'm particularly partial to a pint and can often be lured to the Kings Arms, which claims to be the oldest pub in Oxford


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Great Wikipedia quote 'A local myth has it that the KA has the highest IQ per square foot of any pub or bar in the world.'

The Kings Arms featured in an episode of Morse - (https://morseandlewisandendeavour.com/2017/06/30/inspector-morse-pub-crawl-including-downloadable-pdfs-of-pub-locations/). Perfect.

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Hi Brian, I believe we have covered the topic of Cominart extensively. It’s up to you to make your mind up on the basis of what you read. I have to pass on Paxlovid as I have not looked at the regulatory data. So I dunno. Quickest way to make your mind up is to look at the EPAR.

With best wishes, Tom

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I think you will be waiting a long time expecting a new gov to make changes to ensure the regulators actually regulate. This in depth article is very informative and we should expect many more fast tracked experimental pandemic related health products , lead by people such as Jeremy Farrar, WHO's Chief Scientist. unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-who-building-a-permanent-pandemic-market/

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thanks very much for this; I had heard this commented on before; but one loses bookmarks; so great to keep in centre of stage;

this very much ties in with themes that C&T have developed; that regulators have been so eroded that they are not just useless; but actively become facilitators and enablers;

how quickly can we look forward to such advances coming in aviation regulation/facilitation? Already Boeing are showing their cutting edge skills in evasion and subterfuge; pop-out doors on 737s; spacecraft leaking helium like an elderly gentleman passing endless flatus; what a huge contrast currently; between planes and drugs; it is ok to kill people one by one; even if you kill many more overall; (thinking of you Vioxx); it does not have the impact of a single plane crash; when will aviation regulation grow lax and permissive?

folks like Sir Jeremy Faw-Wah; ........ Wah Wah; what terrible people; hasn't he got enough money already? couldn't he just join MSF and go off and help the poor in Africa? Why does he have to collude in all this evil?

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It’s very notable that so many doctors, scientists, researchers even statisticians around the world know there are multiple and dangerous side effects to these shots. The difference is these esteemed people aren’t captured by pharma. Pharma funds all of our healthcare agencies worldwide. This is hugely dangerous to our lives. They’re not in the business of healthcare, they’re in the business of making obscene profits. Who is it who suppresses academia from speaking intelligently about their discoveries on the dangers of the trials, the shots, the lockdowns? Who is in charge of ridiculing these esteemed people and even getting them fired? Pharma of course. They have omnipotent power and influence because they’ve bought their way to this position of power and control. I’m shot injured and my life will never be the same, I went through hell. We weren’t given informed consent despite pfizer knowing about the injuries and producing a 38 page report dated February 2021 which wasn’t supposed to be disclosed for 75 years but grateful for the FOIA info. My next big worry is Dr. Phillip Buckhaults IRB approved testing of tissue samples to see if the contaminated plasmid DNA has transfected into our stem cells, the results will never see the light of day. This would be a diagnostic test and in his own words “a simple test.” Pharma will shut it down. The only way out of this corrupted mess is if politicians, Universities and god knows who else stop accepting sweetened bank accounts. Sadly, that will never happen.

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sorry to hear of your injury; so many have been hurt; and the hurt to so many buried by endless, collusive forces; media; medical registration boards; big pfarma; drug facilitator authorities; all sort of govt agencies; the list seems endless; you are right in all you say; money buys so much.

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great; great that you can sit and chat and involve us all; interesting to hear you talking over the issues you have so patiently and thoroughly covered in the posts;

"we cannot continue in healthcare with the current approach which is basically saying; to roll out intervention after intervention; with poor quality; low quality evidence and have no effective regulator."

very nice said; very stark; how to get a politician to grasp this;

very early on you said "we do not understand the mode of action"

can you put in a post what .. tentative things you feel you would able to say about mode of action; if you feel able to commit to any of that;

meaning; I guess an absolute position for you both is: I have not been given all I need; so I will not say anything; can you say if you have any pieces of the jigsaw;

you may well have covered this: I apologise for raising this; I could (if I knew where) go back and read previous posts that would cover this for me;

all I can do in speaking to folks to enlighten them aroundme; is point out the huge difference between a tetanus jab; and the rona jab; I talk of how the mmRNA metastasises everywhere; that it seems to have a predilection for lymphatic regions; and ovaries it seems; (why?) that it would appear cells are hijacked and turned into "foreign entities"; manufacturing spike protein; presumably in unthinkable quantities;

that these cells are then recognised as foreign; and attacked; with in the PM slides, a massive inflammatory response; that will lead to much local destruction; (ie if you are really lucky, and spike protein factories are set up in your conducting pathways in the heart, you will score a bonus heart block and be awarded a pacemaker, well ahead of your time)

I just lay out these random ramblings; to see if you feel it is reasonable for you to lay any of this stuff out yourselves; (call it a hypothesis if you will: as the fragments I mention above come from multiple papers somehow that escaped the fierce censorship and got published); and we had other strange events; folks dying in Germany; pathologists etc; sort of like clinton-style suicides; all purely coincidental you understand

thanks for saying you have not seen daft comments from your readers; I agree; I value greatly being able to participate and learn from so many others; best wishes for now; hope the beer was ok

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This episode conjures up images of Inspector Morse and Lewis solving The Cominarty Problem over a pint of beer and the cryptic crossword, as Oxford university students punt past on the river in the glorious July sunshine.

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I'm probably not a good Sherlock Holmes and with Google I only found the current uses of sodium valproate but no trace of what it was prescribed for in the past. Was part of the families Godfrey's Cordial as the thalidomide remedy for nausea during pregnancy?

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Now that you’ve consumed a couple of beers could you please comment on the advice you give your patients regarding the vaccine and the efficacy of Paxlovid ??? Thanks, Brian Moore

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are you practising in Morristown, NJ? https://health.usnews.com/doctors/brian-moore-72956

well done on starting a substack yesterday when you posted this; we look forward to hearing regularly from you; it impresses me how many people start their own substack; it's great; well done.

My understanding was that Paxlovid was tested only on those that had not taken the Cominarty injections; so the data related only to that group; but that it was promptly recommended to be used almost exclusively by those that had indeed had the Cominarty injections; (where there was no data for usage in that sub-group); that form of usage is I understand called 'off-label' prescribing; but for this agent, it was enthusiastically endorsed.

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Have you seen this interesting study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2820602

It fits in with the discussion about the costs of the vaccine programme v the lack of evidence for meaningful benefit in 'high risk' people (older adults, immunosuppressed etc)

Their conclusion is 'COVID-19 vaccination campaigns should precede peaks in SARS-CoV-2 incidence and that effectiveness of new vaccines against emerging variants should be continually monitored using seasonal CVE approaches'.

How does that work exactly? We seem to be seeing 'waves' of symptomatic infection in older adults a few months after every latest booster rollout.

If a product marginally reduces the risk of symptomatic infection for 3 months but at 6-9 months post vaccination it INCREASES the risk of infection and at 9-12 months increases the risk further, to a greater magnitude than the initial transient protection, what is the point? Other than rendering people vaccine-dependent and making some people very very rich.

I see the latest CDC definition of a vaccine is 'A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s IMMUNE RESPONSE against diseases'...which replaces the 1.9.21 definition( 'the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce PROTECTION from a specific disease')...which replaced the 2018 definition ('the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce IMMUNITY to a specific disease'). Give it another 12 months and it will probably be 'A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response'.

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"How does that work exactly? "

well surely they are all paid shills of Big Pfarma; anyone associated with jabs is paid to promote;

" what is the point?" indeed; no-one can call them out it seems; just endless propaganda from these people

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